Chapter 26

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Charlie laid in Vans arms completely asleep as it was 7:30 at night. Charlie was on a schedule so at this time he was always asleep. Now it was just Van and I left in a comfortable yet uncomfortable silence. Comfortable because it was just such a nice day but uncomfortably because there was so many unresolved issues.

"So" Van started out "anywhere I can put him so we can talk" I nodded and got up.

He did as well and followed me down to his room. Once in there he put Charlie in his bed and pushed the hair out of his face then planted a kiss on his cheek.

"goodnight Charlie " Van whispered.

We exited the room and back to the living room. We sat across from each other on the couch but we faced each other. We both didn't know how to start but Van eventually did.

"Lyla " he breathed out " I need to explain what happened that day"

I nodded for him to carry on which he did. "Abby kept turning up but I'd always make her leave...I loved you you so much...I still love you I want to be yours again or atleast start working this out because I need to be apart of his life and yours whether we're together or not it needs to happen"

I looked at Van biting my lip. Tears pricked my eyes as I looekd from the ground and to him. " I'm sorry" I whispered before moving quickly to hug him.

He wrapped his arms around me pulling into his chest "if we try again we need to start slowly... it's been a long time so I don't even know you anymore" I quietly told him stifling the tears.

He held me tighter but I didn't mind as I missed this feeling and as far as I knew, he did too.

"Of course...."He trailed off as he ran his hand through my hair " how about a date tommorrow?" Van suggested as I pulled away to look at him.

I smiled wide " I'd love that"
《 VAN 》

I woke up the next morning and memories of the day before is what I immediately thought of. It was like they never left my mind while I slept which is probably why I didn't sleep that well in the first place.

After getting alive I made my way to the kitchen where all the guys were eating breakfast that Larry was in the midst of making. I took a seat next to Bondy and Bob as everyone then turned their attention towards me.

"So how was yesterday?" Benji asked as he sat his tea down.

I rubbed my face trying to rub away the sleep then answered "it went really good..Charlie looks just like me when I was a kid and Lyla and I are gonna slowly try to give it a try again by getting to know each other and working it out for both Charlie and us" how I phrased all of that was confusing but they got the idea.

After I said that Bob excused himself looking pissed.

" what the fuck is his problem?" I asked the guys whispering a bit.

All at once they suspiciously looked away saying 'I don't know' in unison. I raised my eyebrow but ignored it and carried on talking about our plans before getting ready for my date in a hour.

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