Chapter 27

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《 LYLA 》

"So your telling me he just happened to show up the other night immediately asked to see his kid and then asks you on a date?" Arabella asked while sitting on my bed while I finished getting ready.

"Yeah pretty much " I told her as I fixed my lips stick. I turned around and looked at her "anyone else I wouldn't of agreed being what happened two months ago with Corey I never thought I'd date or like anyone else but I never stopped loving Van" I bit my lip thinking of the memories that haunted me.

The guy I met named Corey before Van and I broke up I happened to meet again once I moved to Chester. We dated for a bit and that was fun but then things took a turn for the worst. He became very abusive and two months ago it was the worst. He left me for dead after beating me with Charlie just in the other room. He's now on trial for his crime.

Arabella got up and hugged me then pulled away smiling "it'll be okay I'm sure Van wouldn't ever hurt you"

I nodded then turned around to look at myself in the mirror.

Before long there was a knock on the door and I knew it was Van. I walked to the door and opened it up. Van stood there and he was sexy as ever. He wore a white button up, black pants, the boots I always called his old man boots, and sun glasses. He honestly took my breath away.

"Ready to go?" He asked with a smile.

"Yeah just let me grab my come in" I stepped aside and Van walked in.

Charlie immediately ran from his room upon hearing Vans voice and into the living room. He yelled 'Da-da' the whole way making me smile. Van bent down with arms open as Charlie ran right into his arms. He hugged him and lifted him into the air making hin giggle. Arabella then walked into looking at the sight infront of her. Van then slung his arm around me. Arabella smirked and she motioned that she needed to tell me something.

"Here I'll be right back" I told both if them and followed Arabella back to my room.

Arabella started whispering as I grabbed my coat "You guys would make a wonderful family definitely husband material" I just about choked on my spit.

"No,No too soon"

Before anything else could be said I walked back out and Van put Charlie down.

"Be good for Aunt Bella" I gave Charlie a kiss and he said bye-bye.

Van laced his fingers with mine and we bid farewell. Today should be..interesting.


"So you took your shirt off in the middle of the airport and swung It around singing mariachi music?" I asked him just about dying.

"yes! No joke! I almost got kicked out once security saw me!" We both died laughing as we walked to the park.

We had went to get coffee and a small lunch before deciding to go to the park. It felt like we just picked up where we left off. People usually change where you don't even know him really anymore. The only thing that changed between us was we both matured mentally and physically, otherwise we were the same.

As we walked along and he told me about stories that happened we decided to sit down for a few minutes.

"Ya know" Van spoke " I never stopped loving you.. I really mean that and I started to forget my feelings but then when I saw you the other night those feeling returned and I just want to continue what we had"

I smiled at him and went right in for the kiss. At first he was surprised making him stiffen up but then he melted right in the kiss. He kissed back and put his hands on the small of my back. Once we pulled away we both smiled and were out of breath.

" will you be my girl again?" Van asked and I smiled.

"Yes Van" he smiled then he went in right for another kiss.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about us and our future. I wanted to still to an extent take it slow but so far that was obviously not working out. If it was up to Van we'd be Married next week. We had agreed on finding a place of some sort.

The only agreement we made ahead of time was we wanted it to be a house so we could have the guys live with us as well. Van of course wanted them to live with us which I didn't mind. The guys were wonderful and it would be fun having them around.

"We could start looking and such now but after March 22nd I go back on tour again so that gives us.." Van stopped to count up the math" about 98 days to find a house starting after the holidays of course...don't know with what money but a house all the same"

He'd definitely forgot about the money Jameson gave me all that time ago. I still had plenty of it left which could definitely pay for a house or atleast it's starting payment. I also had money from working that I used sparingly and that alone could lay a couple house payments.

"Don't worry about it I have that covered" I smiled and he just gave a confused look but didn't ask any further.

Finally...hopefully getting my life together....I think.

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