Chapter 3

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"I'm gonna go ahead and go to bed I'll see you guys in the morning" I told my family as I got off the couch after the movie finished.

It was about 11 at night and we had all watched our annual movie as a family together. I was tired and really just wanted to head to bed so I wasn't tired tommarro.

"Okay goodnight dear"

After saying all my good night's I went upstairs. I took my sweatshirt I had over my pj's off and kept my tank top on. I plugged my phone in before slipping under the covers. As soon as I got comfortable my brain decided to wake up. I laid there forever just thinking and trying to go to sleep but my brain wasn't having it. About a hour later I heard a knock on my window.

I laid there frozen for a second before deciding ultimately that I should see what it was. I mean it was probably just a branch anyhow. I sat up and looked through the dark but I saw those blue eyes at my window. I opened the window above my bed immediately and looked at him.

"Van? What the hell are you doing?" I whispered a bit harshly "come in before you catch something"

I moved over a bit and he swung into the window almost and landed on my bed with a thud. His brown hair now a mess and he had a goofy smile as he looked at me like he knew the question was about to ask.

"what the fuck are you doing here at midnight?" I asked not knowing whether I should be mad or impressed.

"It's twelve innit? Let's get going while we're still early" he told me pulling me off the bed and throwing the sweatshirt I wore earlier at me.

"You've got to be crazy" I told him pulling the sweatshirt over my head.

"Maybe so but it'll be fun"

After I change into something suitable we climbed out of the window and on to the streets. Van grabbed my hand and pulled me along running on the streets of Wales.

"Where are we going?" I cried out as I laughed at how he was acting.

"Somewhere fun trust me just keep up" he looked back for a second meeting my eyes and giving me a wink before looking back infront of him.

We ran for what seemed like forever. We ran through streets and alleys before ending up in a park and running through it. Eventually we ended up in meadow. The north Atlantic drift caused the winters to be mild so the meadow grass was still tall.

Van sat down then looked at me patting the spot beside him. "Sit down love I promise I won't bite" he gave me a wink amd I blushed a bit.

I sat down beside him keeping a bit of distance between us. It was silent for a few minutes until I decided to engage in conversation.

"So tell me about your self Van what is there all to know about you" I asked a wrapping my arms around my legs.

Van just shrugged "Hmm what is there?... I like playing and listening to music and uh that's it really I have a band I'm in with some friends and my guitar tech I'd my best friend from high school and I'm currently a poor musician living with my parents currently " he gave a laugh looking down at the ground.

He looked back up at me and his eyes glistened like a thousand stars. I couldn't figure out what the feeling I got from van which drove me crazy.

"How about you? Tell me about Lyla Cobain"

I looked from him up to the sky before laying down in the grass. He laid down beside me as I sighed puting my hands behind my head.

" I'm different from my family, I have two older twin brothers and a mom and dad....they have brown hair and I have blonde, I have blue eyes and they have green, I adore music and breath it while they don't really care.... I'm not sure why I'm like this I just am but I mean I can't change that I suppose" I looked at him and he was already staring at me listening to everything I was saying " I just don't understand besides Jameson ,one of the twins, my family has always treated me so much differently..I've always felt unwanted" at this point my voice cracked when I said unwanted.

Tears threatened to pour as they started to well up in my eyes. The feeling of being unwanted and not being loved killed me. I just wanted someone to be there for me and care for me but never leave me.

I felt Van put his arms around me and pull me close to him. I rested my head about where his arm and shoulder met. I looked up at him and into those eyes.

He then wiped away my few tears " Don't cry love your too beautiful for that" he told me making the blood rush to my face "maybe we just met but I'll be here for you I promise your not unwanted maybe unappreciated because your a wonderful lass that I'm glad I met and I'll always protect"

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him as well. I breathed in the smell of mints and ciggs that was so comforting I couldn't stand it almost.

"Thank you" I whispered to Van.

He kissed the top of my forehead and gave me a light squeeze "anytime"

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