Chapter 38

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December 24th, 2015

《 Van 》

All the decorations set up and a lot of my crazy family has been in for a couple days. Aunts, uncles, cousins, Grandma, Grandpa, the whole nine yards. They originally were not gonna be in but they came anyhow. Luckily we still had enough room for the lads and then my family. It was just all a tight fit that's all. Everything from the other day was now blown over luckily amd lives continued as usaul.

Currently however I was getting ready for our annual Christmas party. I had slipped on a pair of my usaul black jeans, a thin red sweater, and my brown "old man" boots as Lyla called them. I just ran my hands through my hair as there wasn't much I could really do too it. I quickly made sure Lyla was no where near my room before digging into my bag. I grabbed my black coat and made sure I had everything.

Lyla was already downstairs with Charlie in her arms. She greeted my family who all seemed to just love her. She wore a outfit very similar to mine with the only difference was hers was just a bit more feminine and she didn't wear a jacket. Charlie also had the same outfit as the both of us. I didn't know about any of this but Lyla chose the outfits so it must of been her intention. Cheeky little thing..

I walked over to her as she was talking to my very Irish grandfather who was already pushing a drunken state. I wrapped my arm around her waist taking her by surprise causing her to jump. She looked over at me and then smiled.

"Hello love" I smoothly said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello" Lyla said back still giving a radiating smile.

I then looked over at my grandpa who was smiling as well "Van!" He exclaimed a little "how are ya son?"

He and my grandma came in just a bit ago so I hadn't properly talked to him yet.

"I'm doing great grandpa" I then went in to give him a hug before standing up again "how are you?"

I asked smiling at one of my favorite men on the planet beside my dad. We caught up some before making our way around the party. I greeted everyone and talked. Eventually my family got a hold of Charlie so basically we wouldn't have to worry about him too much the rest of the night. My family loved children then it being mine made him a easy target for being showered with love.

Eventually Lyla got caught up in a conversation with my one of my cousins. I then took the chance to head to the kitchen for something to drink. I grabbed a cup of punch before sitting down at the table. I needed alittle breather from everything for a moment. Take the time to clear my thoughts.

After a bit of sitting there my dad walked in. He looked at me as I looked back at him. He smiled knowing why I needed to take this time to relax.

"It's getting too you innit it?" He asked me as he sat down beside me.

How'd he even know?

《 LYLA 》

Van had dissappeared for a bit and I talked to all of Van's family. They were all wonderful people who surely enough liked to drink. Soon Charlie was given back to me by Bondy completely asleep. He then told me he was going to just take him upstairs to where Bernie and Mary had been letting him sleep which was their room.

Bondy had taken a real liking too him as well as the rest but mainly Bondy. Actually Larry and Bondy had both really taken a liking too him knce I think about it. They even competed a bit on who was the better "Uncle". I found it all cute really abiut how they acted.

Things between Bob and I were getting more awkward by the day. It was eating me alive not telling Van but I wanted Bob to live so it was a price I was paying. I kept replaying what i did over and over again. I couldn't believe what I had done.

Currently everyone had settled down a bit trading stories off and immersing in each other's conversations. It was like that calm before the storm sort of feeling expect the feeling of the storm never finishing.

Van soon entered back into the room which I saw out of the corner of my eye. I just continued talking too his grandma. She was giving me wonderful advice on how to raise a kid, how to cherish everything, ect. She was a wonderful women really who was surprisingly shorter than I was.

I felt a hand grab my own and I knew it was Van. The feeling of his soft hands which were rough st the finger tips due to his guitar playing. I felt hin gently squeeze my hand and I gave a small squeeze back.

"Excuse me grandma I need to steal this beautiful girl for a second" Van gave her a small wink as I gave him a confused look.

"What do yo-" before I could finsh my sentence he jumped up on the empty couch right by us infront of the Christmas tree.

"CAN I GET EVERYONE'S ATTENTION AND TO THE LIVING ROOM!" Van called out and as if it was a stamped they all quickly entered the room.

What the fuck is he doing?

"Everyone in?" He asked as his relatives, parents, and the crew who all finally arrived back to the B&B all made their way into the small-isb living room. "I have a very, very important announcement" Van made loud for Eveyone to hear.

"As you all know I've been with this wonderful Women for what feels like years although it hasn't..I met her two years ago outside of the Café not too far from here..she was looking for a lighter but didn't have one so I offered her mine and then we began talking which didn't last too long till she had to go so I walked her home before then getting her number..I knew then that I was falling for her at a pace I couldn't keep up with, we hung out every single day almost and she got along with my mates which I knew then she was a keeper....Early into our relationship she found out she was expecting before something that was a misunderstanding happened so I lost her for almost two years...longest two years of my life but then luckily I found her again in yet another Café working and now through all these unexpected turns were back together again with a handsome son Named Charlie" he looked at me lovingly.

His eyes hiding the blue color I had yet to see since we first met reappear and a smile that was the most genuine I'd ever seen. I couldn't help but smile back as my heart started beating of my chest at a rate I couldn't control.

Van stepped off the couch and walked a few steps back to me infront of the Christmas tree. Be grabbed my hand and looked deep into my eyes before looking back at his family and friends.

"There's no one and I mean no one I'd rather spend my whole life with than this beautiful, talented, funny, and intelligent girl that never ever leaves my mind than Lyla Marie Cobain so with all that being said" he looked at his family making them all laugh lightly " I've been dying to ask you this question since I laid eyes on you"

He let go of my hand before reaching into his jacket. My hands flew to my face as he got down on one knee. Gasps filled the room and it was deadly silent. He pulled a little box out as he looked up at me smiling as tears fell down my face. He opened the box revealing a absolutely stunning diamond ring.

"Would you Lyla Marie Cobain Marry me?" Vans voice sounded as if echoed through empty rooms form the silence.

I shook my head violently not being able to say anything. He grinned like a mad man before taking my hand and grabbing the ring. He put the ring on before getting up as the room filled with cheers. Van got up and put his hands on my waist as my hands went around the back of his kneck. His lips attached too mine as everyone went mad.

He pulled away and looked at me. He had that look he got when he felt like he was on top of the world. I couldn't blame him as I did too.

"I'm so in love with you" Van whispered.

"I'm so in love with you too"


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