Chapter 32

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《 Van 》

" So tell us Van" Arabella started off "when are ya gonna pop the question?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.

Definitely a girl for Bondy that's for sure..

I adjusted the sleeping kid next to me as I shrugged.

"Hmm I don't know I mean I haven't really thought about it since she wants to take it slow...if it was up to me I'd marry her tommarro and wouldn't think twice about it"

She gave me this look to which I gave her a confused look back "what?"

She shook her head "she really really wants too, not get married tommorrow but taking your guys relationship a bit faster, but her Ex-boyfriend ruined her and that's why he's on trial for what he did to her"

I felt my stomach drop, my heart quicken, and color drain from me. What was she on about?

"W-what did he do" I asked and her eyes widened.

"She didn't tell you?" She asked in disbelief and I shook my head.

Arabella swore me to secrecy as well as Bondy before explaining what happened. She explained how her boyfriend beat her so badly the bruises were still left on her body after two months and she had to get a blood transfusion as he left her for dead. By the time she was done telling me I wanted to find him and kill him.

"My Lyla" I whispered in disbelief "that explains everything now"

《 LYLA 》

"WERE HERE!!" Bondy yelled from the front of the Van as it came to a halt.

I immediately jumped up and started stretching. I was excited to be back at the B&B as I hadn't seen Marry and Bernie in forever. We also hadn't told Mary and Bernie about many things. One was the fact I was coming along as well and another was the fact that they still had a grandson. I was nervous about their reaction but I know it could only be but so bad.

The rest of the guys had been dropped off to their families but would return later since they were staying at the B&B as well as their families were leaving tomorrow for different vacations.Luckily enough not all of Vans family were staying this year from Christmas so this left plenty of room for everyone.

The doors flung open revealing me in the back. Vans eyes looked up at me and smiled although I didn't understand why. I probably looked like death in my black ripped jeans, his old black hoodie he took on the road with him alot, Doc Martens, and my hair in a simple bun.

"Come 'ere love" Van had his arms out so he could pick me up out of the Van.

I smiled and walked over and he gently lifted me out. He wrapped his arms around me and planted a light kiss on my lips. Once he pulled away I didn't want him too.

"Come on let's go shock my parents" Van grinned showing no nervousness although I was shaking in my boots.

We went back to the front seat as Bondy and Arabella collected all of their thing. We got Charlie awake and cleaned up a bit then collected our things except for a Christmas present bag. The rest we were gonna get later.

Walked down the path I had my balcony duffel bag filled my things as well as Charlie's. Van had his black duffel bag on his left shoulder while holding Charlie in his right arm. We all stood infront of the B&B. Van had Charlie and I stand off to the side of the front porch so he could make it more surprising.

As Van knocked on the door my adrenaline rushed as the door opened. Van immediately was engulfed in hugs by Bernie and Mary before getting Bondy as well as Arabella. Van then cleared his through getting his parents attention as they had not yet noticed I was there.

"Mum..Dad I have a surprise for you just don't be mad okay?" Van then pointed in my direction so they would turn around.

They did turn around and look at me. It took them a second to recognize my face but once they did they smiled wide. Then they realized a two year old almost three year old in my arms making both of them to swell up with tears. They must have forgot about the fact I was pregnant before I left.

Van walked over to me picking Charlie up out of my arms then wrapped his arms around my waist. He started walking so I did too all the way over to his parents.

"Mum..Dad you remember Lyla" Van smiled and they did too as they wiped tears from their face"well I'd like you to meet Charlie, Charlie Evan Mccann our son and your grandson" Van finished off making me feel complete.

They both wiped the subtle tears away as they hugged me. They then looked to Charlie who wasn't understanding the scene infront of him.

"Charlie" I said making the boy look at me "this is Grandma Mary and Grandpa Bernie"

He smiled looking back at them. He held his arms out for Mary to pick him up and she did. They both cried tears of joy as they greeted their grandson for the first time. Everything started falling in place.

Atleast that was the goal.


Gonna be writing a very, very smutty chapter very, very soon! Just a fair warning so stay tuned!!

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