Chapter 25

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I was finally off of work and shot Van a text saying it was me, my address, and what time to come by. I wad currently 7:30am and I told him to show up around 11pm so that gave me plenty of time to sleep some, shower, and change.

I changed I into so more comfortable clothing before crawling in my bed and setting off to sleep.


I woke to loud knocks on my door and I knew it was the sitter dropping off Charlie. I rolled out of bed before walking to the front door. I opened it up revealing my baby boy and Ramona. I was alright friends with Ramona. She was about two years older than I was and we just happened to go to school together.

"Thank yous so much Ramona" I said as I put Charlie in my arms and grabbed his bag.

"It's no problem I'll talk to ya later" From that she left and I was left to get ready for Van in a bit.

I put Toy Story on and Charlie sat quietly on the couch as I cleaned up. I straightened the whole house and then got Charlie ready. I combed his hair in the front as it was curly in the back like Vans was when I had met him, changed him into a pair of pants, a blue shirt, as well as his little Vans.

I made sure he ate before putting him down for a short nap. I had about 30 minutes till Van was going to arrive so I got ready my self. I got a quick shower letting my honey hair do its own thing. My outfit was a simple pair of black jeans and a oasis crop top.

Once dressed I sat down on the couch ready for him to show up. My stomach started getting those butterflies I hadn't felt in all these years. I started getting all these feelings that just flooded back to me. I didn't realize till now how much I missed Van.

As I sat consumed in my thoughts there was a knock at my door and I knew exactly who it was. I nervously got off the couch and made my way to the door. I opened it up and it revealed Van. He was wearing a black jumper that had a few buttons near the top, his hand was reaching behind his head to reveal his small waist with a belt and his black jeans, and his Chelsea boots. His glasses also sat prominently on his face with a smile.

"Hello? Earth to Lyla" Van waved his hand infront of me and I shook my head as I blushed like mad.

"Sorry" I said quietly hiding my face some. I stepped back away from the door "Come in"

He walked inside and I closed the door behind us the turned around to see Van looking around.

"So um where is he or she" he asked turning around to look at me.

"Here I'll go get them" quietly I went off to go get Charlie. I didn't say if Charlie was a boy or girl or his name just so Van could at least be surprised. He's already missed so much as it is.

I picked Charlie into my arms as he was obviously been awake as he looked at me wide eyed. I fixed his hair and outfit one last time before I walked into the living room.

Van looked up at us from the couch as we walked into the room. He didn't say anything but get up and walk over to Charlie. Charlie who was normally shy with new people didn't even shy away as Van ran his hands through his hair and across his face.

Charlie raised his arms to Van and said in a sweet little voice "up pwease"

Van smiled so wide and picked him up in his arms. Charlie clung to him and Van smiled but then he started to cry.

"Oh god Van are you okay?" I asked him and he continued to smile as well as nod.

"I'm so happy to finally see him I thought I never would" he stopped as if he was thinking and then spoke again "I'm know what happened and it wasn't how you thought which will talk about later but thank you for letting me see him I-I just wanna be there for hin and be like my dad was with me" Van thanked me and I wrapped my arms around him.

"You're Welcome" I mumbled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me making it feel all too familiar " His names Charlie" I told Van as I pulled away.

Van still smiling looked at Charlie "Hello Charlie I'm Da-da"

Charlie just giggled and put his hands on either side of Vans face. "Da-Da!" Charlie then exclaimed.

Watching the site unfold infront if me was a precious sight.

This is what I'd could have been all along.....

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