Chapter 9

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It's about 2 in the afternoon and Van as well as Larry were playing Fifa. Van and I were on the floor and I was between Vans legs where my back laid against his stomach. He had his arms around me and his controller sitting on my lap while he played. Larry sat on the sofa cussing up a storm as the score was 2-0. I knew I needed to get home since my parents thought I was at a "friends" house but I was thinking about staying at "Vanessa's" house for another night. Not that my parents would really care but Jameson would.

"Honey let me up" I whispered trying to get up as they had finally finished another round.

As I tried to get up Van wrapped his arms tighter around me pulling back close to him "never" he whispered.

"Ryan Evan McCann if you want me to stay another night you'll let me get up" I told him sternly causing Larry to laugh.

Van let go and I got up before he trapped me again.

"She's got you on a leash doesn't she" Larry laughed as I exited the room.

"Oi mate! Atleast I got a girl " I couldn't help but stifle a laugh at Vans comment.

I quickly grabbed my phone off the bed then went out the living room then to the balcony. Larry's apartment wasn't bad at all. It was actaully quite big for an apartment but the balcony was my favorite part of it all.

I dialed the home phone as I sat down on the floor of the balcony putting my legs between the bars. I looked down to the street below watching people pass by as the phone continued to ring. Being up here and not hearing anything but the bustle of people below made it an extrodinary place.

"Hello" my father answered sounding annoyed as if answering the phone killed him.

"Oh hey dad" I said feeling awkward knowing it was him in some way.

You see I've never been close to either of my parents but especially my dad. We've never really talked.

"Yeah what do you need" he sounded even more annoyed that it was me which hurt and badly.

"I just wanted to tell you I was spending the night at Vanessa's again her parents offered" I told him wrapping my arm around my stomach.

"Can you stay Sunday night as well then just get a lift in the morning and come home Monday afternoon so I don't have to come get you" ouch, that really hurt.

"Yep they said it was fine" click

I looked down at the phone amd the call had ended. Tears slid down my face and hit my phone. Before I knew it hard ran began to fall but it felt like I couldn't get up. The feeling of being unwanted yet again washed over me and I felt paralyzed from it.

"Lyla, Lyla!" Van shook my shoulder making me look up at him.

I didn't know how long I had been their but I was soaked to the bone wet. Van was also working on being soaked as well. I didn't say anything so he carefully picked me up, making sure not to hurt me, and took me inside. He sat me down on the floor and I began to shiver from being cold.

"Here I'll get some blankets" Larry hurried kit of the room to fetch some blankets.

Van sat in front of me as I brought my knees up to my face wrapping my arms around them.

"What were ya thinking? You could get sick" Van said taking my shoes off.

"I'm sorry" I whispered starting to cry.

Van immediately moved and wrapped his arms around me. "It's okay I wasn't fussing I was just say-"

"No,No" I interrupted him pulling alittle away just to look at him.

"It's was just- I was uh talking to my dad and I can stay but he just didn't care and was annoyed I was even calling....everyone hates me" I started to cry again and again pulled my close.

He rubbed my back circles kinda shh-ing me to calm me down. "No they don't I absolutely love you my beautiful girl so does Larry, isn't that right Larry" Van looked over at Larry as he entered the room with a MASS of blankets.

"That's right! And I'm sure the rest of the Lids will love you as well" Larry said wrapping blankets around the two of us.

"The lids?" I questioned and they both laughed.

"Yes the lids!" Larry exclaimed " did Van not tell you he's in a band because he is, it's Van, Benji, Bob, and Mike then I'm the guitar tech" Larry told me as he sat down infront of us.

I slowly turned my head and looked at Van. He had the most cheeky and worrisome smile on his face.

"Why haven't you told me till now that your in a band?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders still smiling.

"Didn't bring it up but now that it has been brought up I would like to tell you that we have practice at my parents bed and breakfast in about 30 minutes so we might as well get rolling"

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