Chapter 10

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We arrived at Vans parents B&B and it really didn't hit me till we walked through the doors that I was going to meet his parents. I felt nerves set in as I held his hand following him. We walked through some hallways hearing people out in the dining room.

"Remember to stay quiet the guests are in the dinning room so my mum is probably in the kitchen" both Larry and I nodded then continued walking.

I wondered if he told his parents about me? I mean most guys don't so probably not.

We walked down one more hallway before pushing through another door to the kitchen. A woman and man of a bit older age were cooking to whom I could only assume to be Vans parents. They both looked up from what they were doing and both had a smile on their faces.

"Van my little boy" his mother quickly wiped her hands and came over to give him a hug.

I moved out of the way so I wasn't intruding and stuck by Larry. His father gave him a hug as well and it was like they hadn't seen him in a year.

"Their always like this by the way" Larry whispered and I looked at him "but they are absolutely wonderful people who are very open minded and they welcome anyone into their home"

I smiled and nodded turning back go the sight infront of me. Vans dad then noticed Larry and I gave him a bit of a bigger smile.

"Van is this the lass you've been talking about constantly?" He asked Van so then all the attention was on me.

"Oh yes" Van said walking over to me putting his hand on the small of my back "Mum..Dad I'd like you to meet my beautiful girlfriend Lyla, Lyla this is my Mum Mary and my father Bernie" The both of them had wonderful smiles on their faces once Van introduced me to them.

"Hello Mr. And Mrs.Mccann it's nice to meet you" I felt my self becoming shy as I usually did infront of new people.

They however weren't having that. They began by telling me just to call them Mary and Bernie then gave me hugs. Van had the kind of parents I always wanted and longed for. To a very small extent, I kinda envied Van for having parents who cared and loved him.

After meeting his parents I followed Van and Larry outside and around back. You could hear faint music being played coming from a door to the basement. Larry opened it and we all walked inside. Inside the room was three other guys. They all seemed nice which I liked.

"Lads I have someone I want you to meet" Van called out to the guys making them stop playing.

"Guys I'd like you to meet Lyla" after getting to know everyone they proceeded with practice.

I sat down on the couch opposite from the band and watched as magic began unfolding infront of me. Van was such a leader and you could tell this is all he wanted. All he wanted was to make music and make people happy which is one of the things I loved about him.

Once they began to play was when the real magic happened. They were absolutely amazing and I could feel inside me that they were gonna be big one day. I just knew that they would.

As I watched and listened to them play I eventually needed to use the restroom. While they played another song which was an Oasis song I went back upstairs. I walked back through the kitchen where only Mary was. She was getting something out of the oven and bent down to get it. Once she did she then looked like she hurt something.

"Oh gosh here let me get that" I quickly cut in gabbing the oven mitts grabbing the roast and vegetables out of the oven.I then put it on the top of the oven with a thud.

"Oh thank you so much dear" Mary thanked me.

"It's no problem I'm glad I could help, do you need anything else? I'll gladly help you" I offered her actually wanting this time to get to know Vans mom.

"Actually yes I do but only if you want to help"

"Oh yes I do here let me give you a hand"

I helped make the rest of the dinner with her and bring it out to the guests. She was an absolutely wonderful women and I loved talking to her. After that I gave her a hand in making the desert which was a blueberry pie.

"So Vans actaully a test tube baby?" I asked as rolled the pie crust out.

"Yes he is and we tried two times prior and the last time it was an success" I put the pie crust in the pan listening to her speak.

"That's absolutely amazing I wonder why he never told me" I shrugged not thinking too much about it but when I did my turtleneck shifted revealing my purple marks.

I hoped and prayed she wouldn't notice but that was a false hope.

"Oh dear here let me look at your Mary pulled my sweater down alittle and examined the purple marks.

At first you could tell she thought something was seriously wrong with me. Once she got a good look at them she gave me a look and not a bad one. It was more like "I see what those are and in a second I'm gonna to address you about it" which she did.

"I know what those are lass so don't think I'm not gonna say anything besides make sure I have grandchildren" I felt my jaw drop alittle a her statement.

Grandchildren? No I'm too young so that's a long time from now.

Van walked in a second later with the rest of the band. I figured his mom wasn't going to say anything but I was wrong.

"Ryan Evan McCann make sure I have grandchildren" she said making him blush alittle but be slightly confused "don't play confused I found those little marks on beautiful Lyla here"

Van went completely red after she said that and the band started snickering.

Such a class family that's for sure.

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