Chapter 2

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He returned about 10 ish minutes later and set the steaming cup of tea infront of me.

"I didn't know how you took your tea so I made it how I liked it" Van told me as his cheeks went rosy.

"It's fine I've never had tea like this before so I'm sure it's good" I picked it up and took a sip.

He looked at me wide eyed like I told him I just murdered a man.

"I knew your accent wasn't normal you must be American" he exclaimed making me laugh.

I set the cup down laughing a bit still "Yes I am American I'm from New York" I told him letting my New York accent shine through.

"Wow that's amazing but why come to this Shit hole if you were in the Big Apple where everyone wants to live" Van asked and I just shrugged my shoulders taking another sip of tea.

"Family issues it was just the best place to go" I told him getting another ciggie out.

He lit his lighter for me again and thanked him once more.

"But yeah just family issues" he nodded not asking any further.

"How old are you?" He asked changing the subject.

I parted from my habit and let the smoke out of my mouth "15 going to be 16 two weeks from now"

His facial expression showed a bit of shock as more people started coming into the Café.

"Really? You don't look like it you look about...18 or 19 not 16"I just shrugged.

"I get that alot I guess I'm just more mature I suppose anyways, how about you?" I asked him before taking another puff.

The fog started letting up just alittle and more car's flooded the streets. The sun was hiding so the dreary-ness of the atmosphere made it feel like a movie.

"I'm twenty but I'll be twenty one August 1" I was a bit surprised about his age but it didn't really bother us the bit of age difference. .

My phone vibrated in my pocket and immediately pulled it out and looked at it.

Jameson: Where are you at? Mom and Dad are gonna be awake soon.

"Fuck!" I cried getting up abruptly "I'm so sorry but I have to go my parents are gonna be up soon and I need to get back before they do thank you for the tea and light,goodbye Van" I grabbed my things and immediately started rushing down the side walk.

"Wait slow dow!" Van called out jogging after me catching up. I looked at him as he spoke again "I'll walk you home"

That he did. Although I kept a fast pace to get home in time we joked and laughed the whole way. He was a bit of an unusual character but in a good way. I could enjoy his company unlike anyone else I've ever met. Once I arrived at the gate outside my home I looked at Van.

"Here's my stop...It was nice meeting you" I told him blushing alittle bit.

He smiled at me and got a slight red tint himself.

"Same to you, I- Uh was wondering if I could have your number so maybe we could hang out some time" Van asked me as he rubbed the back of his kneck giving a uncertain smile as I looked deep into his eyes.

"Yeah sure" he handed me his phone and I put it in then handed it back to him.

"See ya around" I told him smiling like a fool.

"yeah,see ya Lyla" he gave me a swift kiss on the cheek before walking down the sidewalk.

I stood there for a second taking in the moment that just happened before going inside. Van gave me a unusual feeling I just couldn't describe even if I tried.

Once I got inside I found Jameson waiting for me in the living room.

"Who's the boy" he asked smiling as I blushed.

"No one just a guy I met on my walk" I told him trying to get upstairs.

"He seems more than just a friend to me" Jameson told me as he was right behind me as I was going up the stairs.

"Trust me he is just met him" I called back as I hit the top of the stair case.

"How old is he?"

"A age"

"Which is?"

I turned and looked at James as I stopped infront of my bedroom door.

"He's a few years older than me about 4 okay but trust me he's just a friend, okay? Okay"

I slipped inside the door and shut it behind me. I kicked my shoes off,hung my jacket up, and flopped on the bed. I pulled my ciggies out of my pocket then grabbed the lighter off my nightstand into forgot earlier. I lit the cig and laid my phone on my chest. I put one arm behind my head while I laid there smoking.

I smiled thinking about Van and how much of a charmer he was. Everything about him was just.....I don't even know but it's wonderful. As I laid there puffing away my phone buzzed on my chest causing me to jump. I picked it up and unlocked it and clicked on my messages.

***-***-****: Hey love its Van! It was nice meeting and having a cuppa with you this morning. Maybe we can hangout tommarro if your up for it? I'd really love to see your beautiful Blue eyes again and wonderful smile again.

I smiled and blushed once I read the message. I immediately responded.

Me: Hey! Same goes to you as well! I'd love to hang out tommarro, what time?

I waited a few minutes before my phone buzzed again and I checked it.

Van: Grand! Say I'll swing by your house around 12?

Me: Perfect! I'll see you then

Van: See ya then! Xx

This Van fellow is something but just know nothing can go farther than friends Lyla.

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