Chapter 16

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After my examination I was free to go home which I was happy for since I've had very bad memories with hospitals. The guys decided to head to the B&B for practice and while they did that I went to Vans old room on the very top floor of the B&B.

Van never really slept in his room while he still lived with his parents. He said that he preferred the basement and not worrying about being quiet. It did however still have things of his in their so being the snoop I can be at times I decided to take a look around.

His desk is was attracted me so I sat down in the old stratched chair then opened the biggest drawer. Inside was a ton of paper with what looked like song lyrics scribbled on them. I picked up the two on the very top with the most recent dates which were probably around the time he moved out.

One was called "Kathleen" and the other was called "Rango" both were about girls that Van had told me about. Both had been girlfriends of his one was before me and the other was when he was about 14-ish. He told me that he'd fallen in love with them but he wasn't anymore.

However looking at the lyrics they told a slightly different story. Lyrics such as "And I'd come You can leather me with your lips" and " You see,Abby she's got to wait Until she gets you on your own So she can make you make mistakes Then you can offer to take her home" I wasn't buying that Van really loved me.

I started crying hard as I ever had in my life. I grabbed a pen and a piece of unused paper and wrote "Fuck you" and then bolted down the stairs. I ran out of the B&B and down the street as fast as I could. I ran until my faint smokers lung caught up to me.

I roamed unfamiliar streets until dark until i stumbled across the park. I climbed up on the tree Van And I sat under one day a long time ago and looked at the stars. The March almost April air created a mild blanket around me. Tears still stained my eyes as I thought about those songs. But why would he write them? Does he still think about them? Does he still love them?

After a bit more I finally pulled my phone out to check the time. Once I did I had over twenty missed calls all from van as well as about a billion text messages along with voicemails. I flicked through the messages and a few read:

Van: Please love answer me? I'm worried sick about you

Van: I found your note upstairs and I want to explain

Van: Ive called about a billion times and please let me explain okay? I promise they aren't what they look like

Van: please

The list went on but I didn't bother replying or calling back. He called more and texted me more but still refused to reply. Then I got another buzz and I figured it was Van calling but instead it was...Benji?I was about to decline as my thumb hovered the red swipe but I clicked green.

"H-Hello" I shakily answered dthr phone as tears still poured.

"Hello Ly?" Benji's voice rung through the phone "are you okay? Everyone's worried sick"

I shook my head although I knew he couldn't see me "no I'm not okay and I'm sure you already know why" I whispered the last part and then started to sob again.

"Hey, hey calm down love I promise as he's told us about those songs they were written along time ago especially Rango and he loves you so much he really does" Benji was right and I knew I was being super sensitive for no reason.

" I-I'm sorry I'm being so sensitive for no reason but am I on speaker phone and is Van anywhere near" I asked Benji.

"No and now no because I stepped outside, now what's up?"

I sighed a hefty sigh "Can I tell you something Benj? I asked him leaning back against the tree.

"Yes of course,what is it?" Benji's concerned voice radiated through the telephone.

My heart began to quicken "You can't tell anyone even Van alright?" He then promised and I continued "theirs a chance I might be pregnant Benji"

I started bawling my eyes out after I said that as that's what's been on my mind. I needed to quit school if that was the case but Van wouldn't let me so he could make sure I got the best education I could. I wanted to tell him but I didn't want him to leave me or get his hopes up. It was a lose, lose situation no matter what.

"Oh Lyla" sympathetically Benji sighed " I'm not sure what to say but if that's the case you need to come home then, you gave to tell him about the possibility whether you are or not"

Benji was right so I told him and only him to come get me. I told him exactly where I was at and he came and got me. Besides giving me a long comforting hug with a thank you we never said anything else. I thanked him once more as I got out of the car when he dropped me off at Larry's apartment.

I watched as he pulled away into the March night and I turned to face the apartment building. The apartment building that for the first time made me nervous.

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