Chapter 19

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Van went to normal practice and although he didn't like it, I stayed back. After he tried to convince me and failed, he was off. Larry wasn't gonna be back till Van was back so I had the whole place to myself.

I went to Van and I's room and went to my dresser. I opened the drawer then grabbed a pair of black and white dotted socks. I reached my hand into the sock then grabbed the money Jameson gave me.

I decided I was gonna take about two thirds of it and put it in the bank then keep the rest. I was gonna use it as emergency money just in case something happened I immediately had it.

I went to the bank and about a hour later I had a bank account and all that set up. I decided to go to the store afterwards to pick something to make for dinner. We always ate out and being the lids were gonna be gone for a bit more I thought I'd do something nice for them.

I dropped by the store grabbing all the ingredients to make a proper dinner then headed home. Once I got home I immediately texted Van.

Me:What time are you planning to be done?

Van: Another hour or so, why?

Me: I have a surprise for you lids, ask everyone if they can come to our house after practice.

Van: K

Van: They can all come, now what is it?

Me: You'll find out once you get here hut take your time okay? Love you

Van: Okay love you you too babe

Once I got off the phone I got to work. I had bought everything to make:

Roast Rib of Beef
Roast Potatoes
Savoy Cabbage "the best way"
Cauliflower Cheese
Yorkshire Puddings
Horseradish Sauce
Onion Gravy

All homemade may I add. I've always loved to cook and all of that stuff was simple. I had a hour and more and most of the stuff was simple things to make. I rushed around the kitchen and made everything I needed too.

I set the table as well and pulled an extra chair up so everyone could sit. I also had the lids favorite beer waiting on them so they could all have one except Bob. He wasn't a drinker at all but I couldn't so we were in the same boat.

"I didn't know you were such the cook Lyla" Billy said as he cracked another beer open.

"She's fucking amazing that's what she is!" Larry then shoved another piece of Roast into his mouth.

After they all finished eating we all went to the living room to play Fifa. It was Larry, Benji, and Me against Van, Bill, and far we were tied and I had the ball.

"Van looks like your girl is going to beat ya" Benji commented with a bit of laughter.

"Nope because she's on Larry's team" Van teased.

As if on que I felt my stomach drop and I got extremely nauseous all of the sudden. I stopped and Larry noticed.

"Shoot Lyla!" Larry cheered but I got up as quick as I could, shoving the remote in Larry's hands, and dashed to the bathroom.

"Lyla!" The lids called out but I didn't look back.

I ran into the bathroom throwing the lid up before emptying the contents in my stomach. I heard the rustling of footsteps and voices as I flushed the toilet.

"Love are you okay?" Van immediately dropped to my side putting his hand on my stomach.

"I feel fine now I just got really nauseous that's all" Van rubbed my stomach and the guys began asking what they could do for me.

All I wanted was a brew so Billy volunteered to make me a cup. Van helped me to bed while Larry grabbed a extra blanket while Benji put on a Arctic Monkeys record for me.

Billy brought me my cup of tea and they all hung out quietly with me for a bit to make sure I was okay. I greatly appreciated it and it was nice talking to them as well as laughing. Van kept his hand resting on my stomach which I noticed Bob furrowing his eyebrows at.


The lads had all spent the night and all fell asleep in our room where we were all in Van and I's room. I picked my phone up thinking maybe it was 6 so I'd get ready for (most likely) my last day of school but it turned out to be 1 in the morning. I decided to grab some water and on my way to the kitchen I noticed Bob sitting at the kitchen table.

"Couldn't sleep either?" I asked Bob and he nodded putting his water down.

I filled a cup of water up before taking a seat down beside him.

"Usually when I can't sleep I go for a walk..would you like to accompany me" Bob asked me a he ran his hands through his hair sitting up so his back was now against the chair.

"Sounds class just let me grab my coat"

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