Chapter 44

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《 VAN 》

My leg shook a million miles per hour from both withdrawals and Lyla. She'd woken up and was almost perfectly fine. The only thing that wasn't fine was the fact that she kept calling for me. The doctors said that from what happened before she got hit it caused her to fry profusely when she woke up.

They believe that all the time she was in a coma that, that scene kept replaying like a dream. Then once she woke up she kept screaming for me. I booked the first flight and now hear I am in a Uber car on the way there. It was midnight so luckily the LA traffic was absolutely none.

"You look familiar son" said the older man driving the car.

He was about 40's-50's maybe and seemed fairly nice. I normally converse with the drivers but I just had too much on my mind.

"Well I'm uh...In a band sir" I answered to him and he nodded making a turn off a intersection.

"Maybe I've heard of you..what's the name" he asked me looking into the review mirror.

"I'm Van Mccann from Catfish and the bottlemen" I answered his question which he smiled.

"That's why you seem familiar! My grand daughter who's about 16 loves your band and talks about you guys constantly! Hell she's prabably seem you guys everytime you're in this state or anywhere close" he laughed a bit at the end and that made me smile.

"That's amazing I never thought it would get so big so that fact she likes us and is on the other side of the world means so much,What's her name" maybe a good conversation will get things off my mind.

"Her names Rachel, now tell me real quick why are you here in LA? She told me just the other day you guys were in Europe touring" we stopped at a stop light and he turned around to look at me.

I scratched the back of my kneck "Well sir to be completely honest my fiance got hit by a car the other month and was in a coma...she woke up yesterday and I got the first flight to come see her" I looked at him and his face went from sorrow to a smile.

"It's awful for something to happen like that" he then turned back spring as the light turned green "she woke up so that's the good thankful for that I'm not gonna ask too much about that besides what is her name?" He asked as I checked my phone.

"Lyla...Lyla Cobain...she's the love of my life" I smiled just thinking about her in such a good way.

"I'm glad Mr.Mccann" that took me by surprise.

"Call me Van sir" I laughed ever so lightly as did he.

We pulled up to the hospital a minute later and I got out of the car paying for it which he refused.

"Please no you're here for your fiance d5ont worry about it but could you at least sign this for my grand daughter" he held out a napkin which I kindly pushed away.

"I have something even better" I reached into my bag and grabbed a picture that was taken the other day. It didn't mean too much to me but it was jsut simple picture of the lads and I. I signed it really quickly with a note on the back of it and then rummaged into my pockets. I always had a pick on me. I handed hin the picture and then the pick " one of a kind offer" I joked.

The man smiled greatly "thank you this really means alot" he then took a shake breathe "without you guys she wouldn't be here, thank you"

I bid fare well to the man with such a smile I couldn't help but have. Now onto my own business.

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