Chapter 45

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Sorry I've been gone Xx

June 8th, 2016


I immediately got out of bed and ran to the toilet that was in our hotel room. I began throwing up some of the contents I ate last night. About two months had past since I had woken up and went back to England. I was doing very well and Van and I had made up. Now I was currently touring with them in North America and Charlie was with us as well. It was genuinely a lot of fun but night terrors every now and then was not.

Finally after throwing up I finally got up and washed my face. I figured I just ate something bad and carried on my way as I was excited for the show tomorrow night. Tomorrow the guys were playing a gig in Richmond, Va where My grandmother lived so my family always visited the place growing up.

I quickly got dressed and then went and got Charlie up in the other room in our hotel room. He looked so much like Van at that age, I just couldn't believe it. He was only three but you could tell he had gotten all of Vans looks which of course is a good thing. Maybe they would be like George Harrison and his son Dhani with how much they looked alike. I picked him up making him wake up and wrap his arms around me all grumpy like.

    "Morning Charlie" I whispered trying to grab his clothes.

" Mornin' mummy" he whispered so quietly.


After getting all ready and throwing up once more Charlie and I met up with the guys at soundcheck. We sat in the balcony of the The National theater listening to the lads perform Tyrants like I had so many times before. Charlie was sitting on my lap with the ear muffs Van had gotten him squeezing his cheeks together.

After they had finished Benji,Bob,Bondy,and Larry all decided to go golfing with their girls. Van and I weren't much for golfing so we decided not to go however Charlie was very persistent on going.

"Mummy I wanna go" he said in his small British accent. He was on the verge of a tantrum when Benji spoke up.

"We wouldn't mind taking him"Benji told us looking at the guys who nodded,agreeing.

"No, no we couldn't I mean-" Bondy then cut me off.

"You guys need a break and we'll take care of him. Go out and have dinner or something we'll be fine"

I looked over at Van and he made a eye jester to just let them so I sighed handing Charlie to "Unc' Bon" as Charlie would say.

We soon parted and Van and I were holding hands walking down the city of Richmond. Tall buildings everywhere as well as people. The buildings and pavement from the road made the place oddly hot which made me feel slightly sick. However once I thought about it, it would have been the fact I got sick this morning.

"So where are we going" Van asked me as we turned a street corner.

"Ummm I'm not sure"

Soon we found ourselves traveling all over the city but I found my self getting sick in a back alley. Van held my hair has I started dry heaving. I stopped and slowly stood all the way up. Van pulled me into a embrace as I felt nauseous and dizzy.

"Lyla what's the matter baby? Did you eat something you shouldn't have?" He asked guiding me over to the side walk and sitting down.

"I think..." I said not really knowing.

   We sat there for a few minutes in silence as he held me in his arms. As we sat there I thought and thought of what it could be but nothing came to my mind. I then really thought  about it and it made my heart stop.

    Could I be..? No I couldn't be........oh no!

   "Lyla wanna go down to that store on the corner so you can get some crackers?" Van asked and I nodded.

   We got up and slowly walked down to the store on the corner. Van told me he had to use the bathroom real quick so he left me to get the crackers. I didn't mind though because I grabbed some crackers and looked for a little box I needed.

    I looked at all the boxes until I found the one I needed. Clear blue. I swiftly picked up the box and quickly went to the counter to pay. After getting a death look from the older lady behind the counter I shoved the box in my messenger bag and cracked open the crackers waiting for Van. He walked out not a second later meeting up with me by the door.

   "Come on my beautiful girl"

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