Chapter 20

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I had my hands shoved in my pockets as Bob walked beside me. I strolled down the sidewalk in silence. Eventually not wanting to hear the sounds of buzzing street lamps I finally spoke up.

"So..Got yourself a girl Bob?" It was a odd question to ask and unusual but it was the first thing to come to mind.

"oh..erm" he fumbled with his words "No I don't"

"Oh" I said feeling uncomfortable "whys that? You seem like a good lad and your in a band, girls should be flocking to ya" I slightly hip bumped him as he laughed slightly.

He smiled very thinly and I cocked a eyebrow.

"Why so sad Bob" I asked him genuinely concerned as he's one of my best mates in my opinion.

"Why did Van keep touching your stomach" he blurted out before covering his mouth like he didn't mean too. Which knowing Bob he probably didn't.

I looked down the ground "almost everyone else knows why would you make difference" I quietly told hi m.

He stopped as I stopped to looking up at him. He had a look in his eyes that proved he was genuinely wondering what was wrong.

"You can tell me anything" he whispered and I nodded giving a sigh.

"Van and I found out.." I trailed off as he looked at me waiting for me to continue "were going to have...well we're expecting"

In his eyes flashed sadness and he nodded as we continued walking. Why was he acting so wierd?


We arrived home and Van was waiting on us in the living room.

"Where did you guys go?" Van asked calmly but I could tell he was covering up the fact he was pissed.

I immediately went over and hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek "Just for a stroll we couldn't sleep"

He nodded and we all went back to our room. Bob took his spot back on the bean bag chair and us back in our bed with Larry at the foot of the bed. Van wrapped his arms around me and slowly went back to sleep.

Before I went to sleep I saw the glow of moonlight on Bob and I could see the glimmer of tears on his face.


What on God's earth is this clutching my foot?

I opened to my eyes and saw Larry....At the end of my bed.... well as holding on to my foot for dear life. I took my other foot and pushed him off my gently. Larry yawned and then rolled over thankfully letting go.

I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and I happened to have a minute before my alarm went off. I turned it off so it wouldn't disturb the guys before rolling out of bed. They all laid around sleeping which looking at them all was quite the sight. They all just looked like.

I grabbed some clothes to throw on and went to the bed room. It was a simple outfit consisting of: My CATB shirt gave me, black shorts, black converse's, my black lennon glasses, and my hair in a ponytail.

Today was one of those special days where we could wear what we wanted to school. I went back into Van and I's room and grabbed my backpack as well as my ear buds. I decided to leave Van a note explaining where I was going and such. Also what I had decided and scribbled it all down.

I then was off to another day in that hell hole.



I woke up holding Lyla in my arm- wait a second....this doesn't feel like her. I immediately opened my eyes and I realized I was cuddling Larry. I immediately let go and sat up. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked around the room.

Everyone was still asleep and it then hit me. Where was my girl? I happened to notice a piece of paper on my bed side table and picked it up. I then began reading it.

Dear Van,
I left for school this morning and decided against waking you. Don't worry cause I got a ride from a friend. I've also decided that I'm going to finish this year of school then after that I'm dropping out. I know you don't want me to do that but I need to take care of out kid once I have him/her.

Anyways I'll be home a little late as I have work today so don't worry.

Love, Your girl Xx

Welp, long day ahead of me I suppose.

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