Chapter 13

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Two week had passed since I had been kicked out and life was starting to straighten out. I picked up a job at the local café to help pay bills and when I wasn't working I was going to school. Otherwise I was with the lids doing whatever.

Van encouraged me very much to continue with school so then in a few years he wanted to put me through college. I had been thinking about it and I really didn't have the time for school. I seriously thought about dropping out just to make life easier.

Currently it was Friday morning and I was all ready for school. Van had made me breakfast while I was getting ready so I'd be all ready for the day ahead. Van normally walked me to school but today his parents needed him for some repairs at the B&B so he couldn't. Although he tried to still but I told him don't worry about it.

"You sure you don't want me to walk you?" Van asked me as I grabbed my boom bag and headed towards the door.

I turned and looked at him "yes go help your parents I'll be just fine" I planted a kiss on his lips before heading out the door.

"Lyla!" Van called out so I turned around to look at him "I love you!

I blushed as well as smiled "love you too Ryan"

I then was on my way down the street. It was about 20 minute walk and I had plenty of time to get their. Half way to the school I noticed a man dressed in all black behind me. I didn't feel right having him behind me so I hurried my pace and once I did he did too. I quickly pulled my phone out and dialed Vans number.


"Hello? Lyla?" Worriedly Vans voice echoed in my phone.

"Hey I need you to stay on the phone with me" I whispered so he could hear me.

"Okay, are you on trouble?where are you?I'll come get you" Van sounded even more worried than before.

"No, No I'm almost at school but.. I'll tell you later when you pick me up okay? Just talk to me like normal"

We carried on talking all the way once I got to school. The man stopped following me once I entered the building. I was terrified.


I sat in Mr.Tucker's class and I was more than distracted. I was so stressed about my situation and what do as well as this morning that to focus seemed impossible. The tone rang and I got up but Mr.Tucker called me back.

"Lyla I need to talk to you" said Mr.Tucker and although I had an idea what he was gonna say I sat back down.

I sat down and he shut the door before he sat on his desk in the front of the room.

"Alright now Lyla what's going on? You've been very...hmm...not focused I guess you could say and your last test is really showing it" I usually have a
A+ on every test but the last test I scored a 70%.

"I know I'm sorry I've just been stressed lately and such so it's distracted me I'll do better" I told him giving him a smile hopefully he'd buy it but he didn't.

"Don't give me that there's something going on at home and I can feel it now what is it?I won't tell and you know that" smiling a comforting smile Mr.Tucker pulled a chair up infront of me.

I gave a sigh and adjusted myself in the chair. I then began to explain everything to him. Once I was completely done he sat in shock.

"Wow...I'm sorry to hear that I hope things get better and if you need something don't be afraid to ask okay? I wish you luck and I really cherish education and the fact your boyfriend wants to do that for you is wonderful but if it's too much I'll figure out something for you to do so you can not come to school if that makes sense" I just nodded and thanked him.

The tone rang and I quickly bolted out the school. I hurried down the path and I saw my man leaning against the tree having a smoke. His staple outfit consisting of black skinny jeans, a black tshirt, his sunglasses, and his "old man" shoes. I walked over to him and he threw the fag down holding out his hand.

"Why hello my lovely" Said Van as he laced his fingers with mine.

"Hello Handsome" we walked away from the school yard and on the way I noticed the guy from this morning standing across the school yard. Since he had a hat on I couldn't get a glimpse of his face but he started walking across the school yard.

"Van" I whispered urgently making him look at me "don't ask me why but in three seconds I'm going to tell you to run okay? I want you to run as fast as you can and we're going to do this until I tell you everything's fine" although he looked absolutely confused he nodded not asking anything else.

"Okay...1..2..3.Go!" We then took off down the sidewalk.

We ran around people and did I our best to dodge them. We ran street after street and I kept looking back at the guy who was chasing after us. Eventually Van noticed the guy and he grabbed my hand pulling me down back alleyways. He took over in the direction that we were running.

We ran down this back alley and Van stopped at a certain door. He opened it then pushed me in and then himself closing the door behind us. He locked the door and immediately came over wrapping his arms tight around me. I was shaking from fear at this point and wasn't sure what that person wanted or why.

"It's okay babe I promise" whispered Van as I began to cry "nothing will happen to you I promise, I promise I'll protect you even if it means walking ya everywhere I promise I'll be there for you and I'll kick that guys arse" Van looked at me and wiped the tears from my face.

"Thank you" shakily I told him and he kissed my forehead.

I got a good look of where we were at and it turned to be a club sorta bar I figured him and his band played here before so he must have remembered. Van called up Larry to come get us and we exited out the front. My mind wandered who and what they wanted from me?

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