Chapter 41

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《 Van 》

I watched as if it was slow motion her speed walk away and into the driveway. I watched as our driver sped into the driveway then the sight infront of me unfold.

"LYYLLLAAAA!" I yelled as she turned around. It was then too late.

I ran as fast as I could as Bondy, Larry, Sardy,and our driver got out of the car. I immediately bent down beside her as the driver started apologizing to me. Larry and Bondy both trying to help Lyla by checking her pulse and ripping their shirts to stop the bleeding on her head as well as other body parts.

"You fucker!" I yelled tackling the driver and punching him over and over.

Eventually Sardy,who was on the phone to I'm guessing a ambulance, pulled me off of him. I started crying once I was pulled away. I was nauseous,dizzy, and scared. My heart felt empty. I couldn't lose her.


A surpringly steady heart monitor filled the room as I sat beside Lyla. She was in a medically induced coma as they had to do for surgery. The guys were on the opposite end of the room asleep as I had gotten special permission for them to stay at least tonight. All of us were covered in blood still and I only had on what Bondy had brought as I left in the ambulance with Lyla. It was simple just jeans,a tshirt,and my boots.

I was still shaking amd I still was in shock. The doctors said they didn't know how long she was going to be in a coma but they said she would live. Well, if her brain waves stayed normal she will. The doctors told me that sometimes a patient wakes up from a coma in maybe a week other times it could be years.

It scared me to no end. She's the only girl I could ever love. The girl who I will Marry. I don't care if I have to marry her in the hospital with one eye open I'm going to marry her. Oh god...Charlie and my parents. They have no idea what's happening at the moment. How would I tell them or Charlie?

I stopped thinking about that as I was already stressed enough. I grabbed Lyla's hand and looked at her. Her face was bruised,swollen, and covered in blood but I still thought she was beautiful. She'd be beautiful to me no matter what. My left hand rose up and I ran my hand through her blood matted hair. That honey colored hair now tainted in blood from the hard hit on the concrete.

Tears ran down my face as if they would never stop. This couldn't be real it just couldn't. She was so strong at time whether she knew it or not. Lyla will be okay....will be okay.


Short chapter I know! Don't kill me! The next one will be longer I just needed a small filler chapter to transition situations I guess you u could say! I'll be updating soon! ✌🐊

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