Chapter 34

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《 Van 》

I woke up the next morning with Lyla in my arms. I smiled remember last night's events and the looked at my bare chest then go Lyla. Both of us covered in those purple marks. I smirked remember around the time when we first started dating and her with the purple marks I left her. Then my mam finding them and embarrassing the shite out of us.

I sadly enough unraveled myself from her and covered her up with the blanket. She stirred a bit but rolled over back asleep. I let out a sigh of relief as she needs to catch up on her sleep. I opened my bag quietly grabbing a black tshirt, black jeans, and then my grey peacoat grommets the hook of the door.

I plan to head out by myself in a bit but of course hanging with my parents as well as the crew whoe were most likely downstairs for a few. I headed down the corridor then down stairs. I turn from the staircase to the small corridor that led to the kitchen. My mum was making breakfast as my dad and the rest of the crew were sitting around laughing as well as talking. Except Charlie wasn't there as I noticed but he was probably still asleep after beeing up "late".

"Goodmorning love" my mum chimed as I went over to give her a hug.

"Morning Mum" I said before giving my dad a hug, a quick morning to him and everyone else, and then sat down.

"Where you off too?" My dad asked with his familiar smile as everyone else was caught up in their own conversations.

"Off downtown for a bit just gonna pick up something" I shrugged hoping they wouldn't ask anything else about it.

He raised an eyebrow as then everyone as looked in direction.

"What are you getting Van?" Bondy and Arabella asked wiggling their eyebrows at me.

If he doesn't end up staying with her for the rest of his life I'll sure as hell be fucking surprised...

"Nowhere" I mumbled hoping they'd leave me alone although I knew that wasn't going to happen.

"Come on Van tell us..what is it?" Bondy pressured me to the point I just blurted it out.

I got up from the table and stormed off. I didn't stick around to see their reaction or even ask about Charlie. I'm too fucking stressed I just need to calm down...he was just trying to get me to tell my parents. He did nothing wrong I'm just being a dick.

I sighed as I walked down the sidewalk. I decided I had some time to kill before the shops would be open so I decided to visit some old places. I first visited Lyla's old house. I noticed when I was there a couple now living there. From my knowledge it was empty for a long while but I guess not now.

The couple were outside with their daughter. She looked to be around Charlie's age and reminded me of what Lyla would have looked like as a small child. Blonde hair with bright blue eyes with rosy cheeks to top it off. The dad looked over at me and I looked at him. He seemed so familiar but I couldn't place it. I just waved and continued walking along.

My next stop was Larry and I's old place. I knew for a fact no one was living there as Larry's parents owned it. There was things still in the apartment of ours and everything. I hadn't been there in so long I decided to go up for a look. I climbed the stairs to the familiar door. I digged in my pockets before pulling out my keys.

I flipped through all the keys before finding the old key I still had. I put it in the door before pushing the door open. The place was dusty and not only that but was also extremely cold. I shut the door behind me before venturing further.

Minor things were left behind but nothing much. I walked down to my old room I used to stay in and pushed that door open. Alot of the stuff was still here. I didn't take much with me as most of this stuff at the time reminded me of Lyla. I flopped down on the comforter covered bed and it faintly still smelled of her.

I sat up and looked around. Posters still hung on the wall and a journal that was on the dresser. I got up and picked it up before sitting back down. I flipped through it and saw song lyrics.

Maybe I can find something for the album were recording now....I need to tell Lyla about that...shit.

As I flipped through a folded piece of paper fell out of it. I picked it up quickly off the bare floor and started unfolding it. My eyes scanned across the page making me smile a bit.

The note was a letter I had written her around the time we started dating. I'd wake up in the middle of the night and just write her letters. I'd then leave to her house and climb up to her window then leave them. She'd get them in the morning and keep them. I remember putting this one back in my journal after finding it once she left me.

I flipped back through the journal and my eyes stopped on the last page I'd written on.

Cause there's no-one in the life I knew that got through to me...

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