Chapter 18

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After hours of talking about our future and plans we finally drifted off to sleep. I woke up the next morning with Van laying beside me with arms wrapped around me. I slithered out of his grip and escaped into the kitchen. Larry sat at the table with a cuppa of morning brew.

"Goodmorning love" Larry smiled and I smiled back.

"Morning Lar"

I sat down infront of hin and grabbed the magazine off the table.

"You okay?"He asked me throwing me off.

" yeah I am...thanks
" I awkwardly said and he just nodded.

After a few seconds he spoke up again "want to talk? Get it all out" he smiled and I furrowed my eyebrows together.

Does he know? Did Benji tell him? No Benji isn't like that.

" Larry what do you know?" I narrowed my eyes at him and he put his hands up in defense.

"Just alittle thing I over heard you and Van talking about...will I be able to be called Uncle Larry? It only seems right" I gasped as he started laughing.

"Larry Lau I swear to god if you tell anyone I'll murder ya" I gave him a look and raised his hands again "I'll tell everyone once Van and I know for certain until then keep yer trap shut"

He pointed out my developing British accent then promised me he wouldn't say anything "but really though if it's true and all can I be called Uncle Larry?"

I gave a small laughed and smiled at the lad infront of me with the puppy dog face "of course Larry as well as the other lids but especially you"

"Yay!" He pumped his fist in the air before laughing and we continued talking.

Soon Van woke up and I told him about Larry knowing. Larry congratulated him and we went on talking. Soon Larry left to the Café to meet up with some girl he was talking too and Van and I went to the pharmacy. We picked up a few pregnancy sticks and went home.

Paying for them was a little awkward being the cashier looked at us with disgust. I just ignored her and went about my business. Once we got home I went to the bathroom and I was sure Van was waiting outside.

I used the first one of the two we got. I know it's a little excessive but you have to be sure. After I used it and rinsed my hands I waited.

"Can I come in?" Van asked and I hummed a response.

The door opened revealing a excited yet anxious Van.

"Won't know for another ten minutes" he nodded at my statement and sat down at the edge of the tub.

We waited in silence and both of our legs shook with nerves. After a few minutes I stood up and Van followed. I went to look but I just couldn't.

"You do it I can't" I looked away from it and Van gently picked the stick up.

I turned alittle to look at him and I couldn't read his expression. After a second he broke out into a grin.

"What does it say?" Anxiously I asked although I still didn't want to look.

Van grinned alittle more and wrapped his arms around me.

"Were expecting!" He squealed and so did I.

We jumped up and down both crying tears of joy. Seeing Van cry was probably the beautiful yet odd thing I've ever seen.

"Were going to be parents" Van sighed a content sigh as he wiped his eyes.

"Yeah parents" I sighed content as well as wiping

After i took the second test and both revealing to be positive we went to sit out on the couch to think about what to do. We decided that in sometime in the two weeks coming up before the guys left to go tour to throw a sort of "tell everyone the news" party if not right after.

The guys were to only do a two week tour starting the second week of April. We decided that if I got through the 1st trimester it would be the best to start telling everyone.

Till then I was going to set up an appointment with a local doctors office. I was legally a English citizen so I didn't have to worry about being sent back to America or anything along that line. Van and I also discussed abiut moving somewhere else of course bringing the guys with us but some place alot more convenient than Llandudno.

"Ya know since now that we know it's true I'll have to marry ya now" matter-a-factly Van pointed out to me.

I turned with my back facing hin and then laid my head on his lap. He began brushing my hair and looked like he was admiring me as he looked at me.

"Let's now worry about that till after your tour okay? You have enough stress as it is with your music and tour and now a baby so will worry later" I grabbed his hand and dragged my thumb across his as he sighed.

"I know but...I just love you so much I just wanna marry ya now if ya just gave me the okay...I just want to make sure your mine forever and no guy be able to steal yous away from me that's all I want because like I said I love you"

I smiled as he a all around serious slight melancholy sound to his voice. He seemed sad that he just couldn't marry me at the moment.

"I love you too"

Sorry for such a filler chapter! I'll update again soon! 🐊🐊

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