Chapter 21

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Weeks had passed by and I had went to the doctor weeks ago. They had confirmed I was pregnant and said to keep as much stress off myself as I could. Which was suprisingly hard to do,especially since Van was off on tour.

Van insisted on getting married soon as well as find a new place to live. I told him just to take it one step at a time until we found the right time. Sadly I was spending my time in a classroom.

As I sat in Mr.Tucker's class like usual I started feeling a bit odd. A bit under the weather if you wish. I felt absolutely sick to my stomach and got cramps in my stomach. The doctors told me it could of been my body adjusting but to keep a eye on it if it happened to often.

I decided to take my mind off things and think of what Van and I had been talking about for weeks now. We talked about a whole bunch of things about the baby which made me happy. We decided if it was girl we'd name her Arabella or if it was a boy we'd name him Dylan.

We also thought about getting a way bigger place so all the guys could live there and have the kid in the house. That would probably be a while from now but we knew it was going to happen eventually.

Seeing the light in Vans eyes when he talked about our future but mainly our future kid made him almost tear up. He and I talked about it for hours almost everyday.

The bell rung and I waited for everyone to leave so I didn't have to worry about being trampled. I collected my things quickly then said goodbye to Mr.Tucker. I decided to skip the rest of the day and escaped out the girls bathroom window. Once out I made my way to the park.

I walked around for a bit till I got tired and sar down on a park bench. I watched the passing people and the passing clouds till someone sat down beside me. I looked over at him and he looked at me.

"Why hello love"the guy said with a big smile.

I smiled back at the young guy "Hello, what's your name?" I asked seeing no possible threat from him.

"Corey and yous?" Flirtatiously he asked which I knew I had to mention Van somehow.

"Lyla Cobain but now for too long" I smiled and looked down to my stomach which I could tell was slightly bigger than it was before.

"Your getting married? Aren't you too young for that" he laughed a bit but he was still surprised.

"Well yes and no, see I'm having a baby so my boyfriend said it was only right him and I to get married as its the proper thing to do" I quoted him at the end and used my hands and change of voice to show him.

He nodded still smiling "well as long as your happy, say who's your boyfriend" Van told me that everyone knows everyone's business so if someone asked about him just give them a fake name because people would start spreading the news.

"his names Ryan Wilks" he nodded and we just continued talking.

We eventually exchanged numbers as friends of course. He told me he'd like to hangout sometime as long as my boyfriend was okay with it. Once he dissappeared I was left to myself again.

My phone vibrated playing Oasis 'Wonderwall' so I knew then it was Van. I picked it up and swiped the green button before putting the phone to my ear.

"Hello Van" I smiled so glad to finally talk to him.

"Hello beautiful" I could tell he had been drinking but he was a happy drunk so I didn't think much about it.

We talked for a while which was funny cause the lads kept butting into our conversation. They all kept saying ridiculous or funny stuff which kept me laughing. Soon before I knew it, it was 6 o'clock so I made my way home.

"I miss you so much" Van whined into the phone making me laugh.

"I miss you too Van" I stifled a laugh just because of how he was acting.

"I wanna kiss your lips and your kneck and everywhere else" I rolled my eyes and just kept talking to him.

After a while he must have fallen asleep so I whispered goodnight and hung up. I missed him so much.


WE'RE COMING TO A CLOSE TO PART 1 OF THE STORY!!!!! One more part guys and after that continues to part 2 then maybe part 3 depending on how part 2 goes. Of course it's still gonna be on this book so don't worry about another.

I also have another Van Mccann story I'm working on so that's why the updates haven't been too consistent. Anyways, how is everyone enjoying the story so far?


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