Chapter 28

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Van had spent the night last night being we'd spent the afternoon with Charlie. I tried getting Arabella to stay for a bit longer but she needed to go see her Mum. That afternoon however really showed us being a family or atleast it felt like it.

Van helping with Charlie while I cooked or just playing with him. Van of course loved football so he got one out or the toy bin then started kicking it to Charlie. Once Charlie kicked the ball pretty good for his age Van swore he was to be a football player when he's grown up.

Currently I was enjoying a morning of silence. Van and Charlie were both asleep so I decided to go down to the coffee shop. It's about 6 in the morning on a weekend so there want much business.

I ordered a iced coffee and then sat down at a table by the window. I sat there for a while bit then I noticed someone come in. He made eye contact with me and smiled. He held his finger up to signal for me to wait a second so he could order. I nodded and waited for him to order. After a few minutes he finally came over and sat down infront of me.

"Hey Bob" I smiled amd he smiled back.

"Hello Ly, what are you doing up so early" he asked me with his little dimples showing.

"Van and Charlie were sleeping so I decided to sneak out and get some coffee"

"Ahh I see, how is um everything going with all of that" Bob asked a bit awkwardly but I blew it off.

"Great actually!"I exclaimed a bit "we're back together which is nice and he's doing great with Charlie, oh you and the guys will have to finally meet him!"

Bob laughed at my excitement and we made plans for Van,Charlie, and I to go to their apartment this afternoon. After catching up with Bob I bid my fare well and back to my apartment. Upon arriving back to the apartment was greeted to the scene of Van and Charlie sitting on the sofa watching Cartoons.

Both if them were already dressed for the day and looked as they'd all ready ate. We're a small little family.


《 VAN 》

"But I don't wanna" Charlie stomped his little feet.

Charlie surprisingly talked a whole lot for his age and was definitely ahead of the kids his age. Now for the the situation that was playing out before me was the first temper - tantrum I was experiencing. He didn't want to get ready to go meet the Lads. Lyla was of course in the shower so this meant I was all on my own.

"Charlie come on! Yous get to meet your Uncles" I said with ethusiasm hoping to make him stop crying.

Luckily enough he went down to light sniffles. "See come on it won't be and just have to change into a better suited outfit"

Lyla had picked out a outfit but he needed something a bit more...rock n roll.

I got him out of his clothed and into a more edgy outfit. I put a pair of black jeans with a 60s looking sort of silk feeling shirt. I tucked that in and then put his boots on. I smiled at my little boy then combed his hair that looked like mine when I was younger back to give him that Alex turner look.

We sat and waited for Lyla to come out and after a long wait she did. She was looking through her bag as she walked out making sure she had everything.

"Okay I got money, keys, Charlie's stuff,-" she looked up and stopped once she saw Charlie making her lift a eyebrow "what did you do to my child?" She asked as I gave her amused look.

I got up holding Charlie in my arms smiling "what? He looks cooler than Alex Turner and also thats my child as well thank you"

Lyla stared at me for a second before shaking her head "what am I gonna do with you" she gave me a quick peck on the lips before we were off.

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