Chapter 33

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After getting settled in and all we all started talking. Mary and Bernie were so pleased and happy to see me back with Van. They told me they had missed me yet forgot about the fact I was carrying Vans child before I left. I'm not sure how they did but they did.

Bondy had took Arabella out as they had taken a good liking to each other. I knew Arabella was already falling for Bondy and Bondy already had before meeting her. They were the perfect match really.

Back to Bernie and Mary, they had absolutely fallen in love with Charlie. It made them both choke up a bit. Mary said that Van was exactly like Bernie when it came to being a Dad just by the way he acts. She also said seeing them made her have sort of flashbacks to when Van was that age.

"I think we're gonna hit the hay" Van announced as I sat on the couch beside him with Charlie playing with his toys.

Charlie immediately looked up and got that look on his face when he didn't wanna sleep. Mary immediately recognized that face and laughed.

"Van made that same face" she laughed making Bernie notice "here why don't you and Van go to bed and we'll watch Charlie so you guys can sleep and we can bond with him a bit" Mary offered.

"Oh no we couldn't" I objected as I sat up a bit bit Mary stopped me there.

"Go, get some rest it's okay" they both assured us of this to which we thanked them.

We said our good night's before Van picked me up bridal style then carried me up the stairs. Once we arrived in his old room ,that hadn't changed at all, he laid me on his bed. He then wen to go grab his clothes from his bag but turned around when I didn't follow.

"Coming love?" He asked but flipped head back on the bed.

"Nope I'm too tired and lazy" I told him looking up alittle at him.

Warning smut/ Sexual content! Skip if you fine this uncomfortable!!

He grinned at me then shook his head at me "here I'll help you" Walking over to me he had me sit up.

"Okay lift your arms" he told me looking deep into my eyes as I did what he said.

He pulled both his sweatshirt I was wearing and my actual shirt off leaving me exposed in my bra. Van looked from my eyes then over my pale skin. He traced his hands over my skin as if he was memorizing every inch of my skin. Van looked up at me with a mixture of innocence as well as lust-full eyes.

"Beautiful" he breathed out before connecting his lips with mine.

Vans lips once connected with mine he gave me a gentle, open mouth, kiss. He pulled away then connected his lips to my kneck as he positioned himself with one of his legs between my legs then the other on the outside of my left leg. I gasped and grasped his shirt. I pulled him closer to me as he slowly pushed me back on the bed.

I could feel the blood rush to the top of my skin leaving me with a hickey. His hands trailed to the button of my jeans before I got his shirt off. Our lips connected passionately as I got him on his back. I put my legs on either side of his waist before he sat up.

I took my lips from his, to then too his kneck. He let out a soft moan before moving his kneck so I had more access. My hands trailed to his jeans that were now tight in the crotch region. I unbuttoned them letting another satisfied moan escape his lips as I made sure to put light pressure with my hand on that region.

Once both of our jeans were off I was on my back again as we hungrily now kissed. He was hovered above me with his hands holding mine above either side of my head. I made sure to lift my hips against his to cause him to go crazy.

"God I fucking love you" Van said in an gruff voice as we got lost in the night.

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