Chapter 36

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We shot right into 'R U Mine' by the Arctic Monkeys which the crowd started jumping up and down they just went mad. I was quite a shit guitar player but I've played for along time just to escape from the world. No one really knew that I played or sang as it was a talent I kept to myself.

The energy I collected from the crowd though made me lose it as I decided it was gonna be all or nothing. Once the song finished the crowd cheered going mental. We went directly in the next song which was "Someday" but the strokes. That song was quickly over and our set blew by with a breeze.

"That was Naive and we leave you with Florescent Adolescents"

We kicked right into it as the crowd started bouncing. A guy in the crowd started crowd surfing. I looked at the band who seemed just as shocked as I was. Once the song was over I bid fare well to the crowd.

"We were The Mystics! Goodnight everyone!" I exclaimed before exiting off the stage.

We went back to the warm up room where the band started going off on me in a good way.

"You were fucking amazing!" Kelly exclaimed as Max and Matt did the same.

"Oi! I was alright but you guys were fucking class! Proper class may I add!"

We all celebrated and such before we all headed back out to the bar.

"You should join us" Max told me as Matt ordered us all a pint.

"No, No I couldn't" I objected before Isabella butted in.

"Please! You were fucking ace and something the band needs" she gold me but I shrugged.

"I have a boyfriend and a kid to look after I couldn't" there eyes widened at what I said.

"Your a mum? Your so young" Matt commented "I'm not trying to rude but how old are you?" He asked me.

"No your fine but 17 getting ready to be 18 in January, my child is getting ready to be 3, and my husband is also in a band and he's 23'" I explained to them which they were just as shocked.

"Wow your so young" Max said before Kelly spoke up.

"Who's your boyfriend? We might know his band" she asked me as the bar started clearing out getting near closing time.

"He's the singer for Catfish and the bottlemen, Van Mccann" I told them that and their jaws dropped.

"Really? That's fucking cool! They're class! I remember seeing them when I was in high school"

They all talked about seeing then only to make me remember Van was missing.

"So wait" Mark stopped looking at me "that means The Van Mccann is a parent of a three year old? Fuck I'd never expect it" I laughed at his comment and nodded.

"He's a very good parent may I add"

I stayed around for a bit longer as we all talked getting to know each other. We all exchanged numbers and they told me if I changed my mind to give them a call. I made my way out of the bar. As I passed by the alley way I pushed up against the alley way wall. Familiar lips colliding with mine. I knew almost instantly that it was Van.

He pulled away both he and I breathless "I'm sorry" was the first words out of his mouth.

I didn't say anything as I was pissed at him but I still missed him.

"I went to the old apartment and I got caught up with writing. And my phone was on silent and then I feel asleep then I woke up and on my way back to the apartment I heard this beautiful voice coming out of the bar to only realize it was you" he rambled on and I was still a bit mad but he had a good explanation.

I collided my lips back with his putting my hands from his arms, his chest, and then up around his kneck. He pressed his body close to mine as I lips kissed in rythm with each other. I tugged lightly on the ends as we moaned into each others mouth. Voth of our breath tasting lightly of alcohol but his of ciggs.

"Let's get home and will talk about this more in the morning" I whispered out of breath and he nodded grabbing my hand.

We walked down the street hand in hand all the way home. We got on like we usually did until the subject of Charlie. I told him how Charlie acted all day which he cursed homes left for.

"God I'm a dick 'ead" he ran his hand through his hair shaking his head.

"It'll be okay your here now and that's all that matters"


I shot awake only to realize I was still in Benji's arms laying on the couch. What a fucking detailed dream. I wiggled my way out if my best friend grasp and upstairs. I looekd jn Vans room and he still wasn't there. I checked my phone and it was only 1 o'clock which meant I'd only been asleep for about a hour.

I headed back downstairs and to where Benji was sleeping upright. I cautiously and gently laid him down and draped a blanket over him. I then realized he still had his shoes on so ever so carefully I got them off.

He mumbled a bit before he turned over grasping the blanket.

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