Chapter 5

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Yesterday was fun hanging out with Van. We went to the Café we met at the other day and went to random shops down town. Sadly now I was getting ready to go to school. Both the guys didn't have to go to school but had to go to ,what England calls, Uni. This meant I had to either walk or get a lift from my brothers. I was gonna get a lift from them until I received a text while I was having breakfast.

Van: are you walking to school?

Me: Yeah,why?

Van: want me to walk with you? I'm gonna be heading that way to meet up with my friend figured I could see you.

Me: Yeah sure! Just as long as I'm no bother :)

Van: Of course not! I'll see you then love Xx.

I put my phone away as a smile was now plastered on my face. I went back to eating my toast but I isn't pay attention to the toast as all I could think of was Van.

"Why so happy Lyla?" Jameson asked me bringing very little attention to me.

"Just excited to make friends really" I of course lied.

My whole family was at the table and not that they pay attention to me anyhow I didn't want to be questioned. Van was just a friend that's all.

"I'm gonna go bye mum, bye dad, Jameson, Jackson"

Jameson was the only one to give me a proper goodbye as the others waved me off. Someway to start a day, huh? I waited in the same spot yesterday except I stayed standing waiting. After about 10 minutes I saw the Brown haired, blue eyed, pink lipped boy come around the corner. He looked up at me and a smile formed on his lips. We met half way and we began walking.

"Goodmorning sweet Lyla how are you?"Van asked me as we turned a block.

"I'm wonderful a bit nervous but wonderful, how about yourself" I asked Van as I shoved my hands in my pockets of my jeans.

"I'm doing quite well especially seeing you makes it ten times better but now why so nervous? You'll be just fine I mean who wouldn't want to be friends with you? Your so lovely" I smiled wide at his comment and looked down at my feet.

I blushed so hard that I was sure I looked like my face had been caught on fire. Normally Van would or wouldn't notice me blushing but not say anything but out of the times I had he pointed it out.

"Oh is somebody blushing?" Van asked poking my side making me giggle. I stopped immediately and looked away.

"No I am not" I told him not looking at him since my face was still red.

"Oh sure and I'm the pope" he put his arm around my waist pulling me in tight.

I felt his head near mine and his warm breath breathing in my ear "don't worry love I won't tell" he whispered sending shutters down me.

Fuck what's that feeling? It's so different but I've never felt it.

As we arrived at my school Van gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek before saying farewell. He told me he'd walk me home that afternoon to make sure I didn't have any troubles on the way home from anyone. As I walked in the school I noticed the different people but all I thought about was Van.


Currently I was at lunch sitting by myself in the corner of the lunch room. I ate a apple while I just looked through my phone. Today had gone okay so far. Kids didn't particularly like me being I'm American. Well more like the girls didn't. All the guys I had encountered had all started flirting with me and complimented me on my "beautiful" accent.

I didn't pay attention to the guys since the only person I could think about was Van. None of the guys here were like him. None had that perfect oasis type hair cut, bluest of all eyes I had ever seen, the pale skin that made his baby pink lips pop, and then that charm he possessed.

Bringing me out of my thoughts was something wet being poured on my head and drenching me. I gasped and looked up at my cause. It was a girl my age I had met in a class earlier today. I hadn't talked to her only had seem her. You could tell by the way she was that she was a total bitch.

"Sorry" she said giggling before walking away.

Completely humiliated I grabbed my things and ran out the lunch room as everyone laughed at me. I went straight for the bathroom and once in their I tossed my things down. I sat down in the corner and started to cry. I thought about how much I hated school especially here and how I missed New York.

I then thought about him. I couldnt stand to stay here the rest of the day especially like this. I grabbed phone put of my bag and dialed his number after a second I heard a somewhat sounding worried Van.

"Hello? Lyla? Why are you calling aren't you supoosed to be in school?" He asked giving a little laugh at tge end.

"V-Van..." I choked out not being able to finish my sentence as I was now in tears.

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