Chapter 50

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It was about 7 o'clock and Van and I had went out to eat. I was feeling a lot better than I had been all day but nerves set in as I opened the box. Van had went outside for a smoke so I decided this was the perfect time to see if what I had thought was true. I carefully opened the box and grabbed the stick inside. I read the instructions and did as it said. I set the stick on the counter while I washed my hands waiting for the answer.

The box said it was to take a few minutes so I put the toilet lid down and sat there shaking my leg. Soon the digital stick started beeping and my heart stopped for a moment. I knew I had to look at it sooner or later so I might as well look at it and get over it. My hands shook as I grabbed the stick and closed me eyes. Blindly I put it a few inches from my face and started counting down to three.




     I leaned against the wall with the smoke in my hand. I was content with life at the moment but at the same time I wasn't. I wanted to get married as soon as I could but I didn't know if Lyla wanted to be married yet. I'd marry her tomorrow if I could but I didn't know especially with everything that had went on the last few months. I mean we have been engaged to be married since December but if you really want to be technical we've been engaged since we found out about Charlie.

   The point is I just love her so much I want to marry her as soon as I can. Yes I know she had a few mishaps with Bob but I've had a few drunken mishaps so I could forgive her. We both promised never for it to happen again and she was touring with me anyhow so I wouldn't need a one nighter.

   I threw my cigarette down and stepped on it making sure it was out. I knew I should head up soon since the guys would be back at the hotel anytime with Charlie. I made my way up and to our room. I was deep in thought about a lot of things but the sounds of faint cries from the bathroom brought me back to reality.

   "Lyla?!" I called out and went over to the bathroom trying to get into it but couldn't as she had locked it. "Lyla open the door baby"

   Eventually I heard a sniffling croak "don't be mad"

   I was confused and worried at this point I didn't know what she meant "babe please I won't be mad at what ever it is but please..please babe open up" I calmly said the last part and I heard a few more sniffles.

    I heard a bit of shuffling about in the bathroom and the shutting of cabinets till I heard the unlocking of the door. I opened the door revealing a crying and red faced Lyla. She heals something behind her back she was trying to hide. I walked over to her and she backed up a bit but I pulled her close to me. I then took my hands and put them on either side of her face before giving her a tender kiss.

    She kissed me back before we both pulled away leaning our foreheads against each other. She sniffled a little bit still but she then grabbed my hand, leading me to our bed. She sat down and finally really looked me in the eye. She looked terribly upset but in a odd way that I couldn't figure out.

     "Babe just tell me, please" I asked her and she sighed.

    "Hold our your hand" I did as she said "close your eyes" I was confused but did as she said again.

    I felt something being out in my hand and closed me fingers around it.

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