Chapter 14

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The next day I woke up with Van holding me like usaul. I luckily had the day off work and no school work to do which meant today was most likely gonna be fun. I laid on my side with Vans behind me and his arms around my waist I laid their for a bit enjoying the feeling of Van holding me till he began to stir. I turned trying not to move way to much to face him.

His arms clung tighter and he pulled my against his bare chest. A content sigh escaped his lips and his head nuzzled into the crook of my neck. Vans warm breath breathing against my kneck. I smiled content at my morning so far. I started playing with his hair has he made soft little hums.

"Goodmorning" I whispered to him and he smiled.

"Goodmorning love" Van whispered back pulling me closer to him.

"What's the plans for the day" I asked him closing my eyes as his body heated mine.

"Only thing I have planned is the gig tonight otherwise the rest of the day is completely free to do whatever" a smile crept up on my face at the thought of a none busy day.

"I say we lay here, listen to records, and whatever for most of the day then get food then meet up with the lads maybe two hours before the gig so you have to warm up and all" I suggested now playing with his little bits of chest hair.

"Sounds wonderful" whispered Van then planted a kiss on my forehead.

I put on an Arctic Monkeys record while Van went to make us some tea and toast. After putting the record on I put my hair up thinking about a few things. I listened to Van as he fixed everything and quite honestly it was funny. You could tell he got overwhelmed easily having to cook two things at once.

I was getting ready to offer help but their was a knock on the door.

"I've got it" called out Van before I could even say anything. A second later Van popped in the door way while whoever kept knocking on the door. "Go hide in Larry's room under his bed okay?"

I didn't question anything and bolted down the hallway to Larry's room. Once in I shut the door behind me and I was surprised Larry was still here. He looked up from his phone and at me.

"What's going on?" Larry asked sensing my distress.

"I need to hide in here for a few once everything is okay I'll explain" he gave a confused yet okay nod so I went about hiding.

"Why under my bed" he whispered once I was under there.

"I promise I'll explain Lar" I whispered back.

The room fell silent and I listened to what Van was doing.

"What the fuck do you want" I heard Van very hostile say to whoever was at the door.

"I just want to make sure my sister is okay and see her" what sounded like Jameson but I couldn't tell.

"Well you're father blew that by kicking her out" as soon as Van said that I immediately got out from under that bed.

"Please I have something for her just let me in"

I bolted out the room and to the living room. I saw Jameson at the door and Van turned to look at me. I laced my hand with Van's and he looked at me.

"I trust him just let him in" hesitantly Van moved aside and let Jameson in.

We sat down in the living room with Van and I sitting on the couch and across from us was James. Van looked mad and on edge but I rubbed my hand over his.

"So what did you need?" I asked James as he seemed uncomfortable being here so I might as well get to the point.

"Well I have to deliver several things some good and well bad" he told me and I nodded waiting for him to continue "Well I've give you the good news which is I've been saving money for the last few years and we'll in want you to have it and before you object I really want you to keep it okay"

He put his hand in his jacket and pulled an envelope out then set it on the table.

"Thank you James" I smiled holding in the tears of gratitude.

"Your welcome Lyl" he then sighed a very sad sigh "now for the bad news and I hate to be the one to tell you but I'm the only one that will talk to you"

I felt knots twisting in my stomach and my heart race pick up. Anytime something really bad would happen Jameson was always the only who had to tell me. Van squeezed my hand tight to signal that it's okay to which I gave a slight squeeze back.

"Well Mom has been having extreme headaches lately and well she went to the doctor as it turns out she has Cancer" my mom never really cared lately but she's my mom and I still love her so I felt my heart break alittle "that being said the treatment here is too expensive and dad has a friend back in new York who is a doctor so we're all leaving back to new York"

Tears spilled down my face and my heart rate began to pick up. Van wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

"And well except for you" Jameson said and I looked at him "dad doesn't want you to come he says that you aren't part of them family anymore and you should stay here with Van so they told me to give you this which is a paper with their signatures and such and whoever signs it has custody"

I was slightly hurt by that but nodded as he handed me the paper. Jameson got up and wrapped his coat around himself.

"I best be off then" I got up and hugged Jameson which was most likely the last time for a long time.

"Goodluck kid and call me when you can"

He was then off and be the last time for a long time that I'd see him. I sat back down beside Van and wrapped my arms around him. He didn't say anything and nor did I for and few minutes.

"Here I'll get your tea" he gave me and forehead kiss then got up.

Once he went to the kitchen I grabbed the envelope off the table. I opened it up and about fell over. Their was over 100,000 dollars at the least and I couldn't believe it. On the inside of the envelope was a note.

Spend the money on things you need.. J.A.C

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