Chapter 37

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I never went to sleep and here I was at 5:30 in the morning drained from lack of sleep calling Van once more. Be hadn't called, texted, video chatted,nothing. I didn't know if at this point I should have filed a missing persons report or try and find him myself. I was upset to the pint I had already consumed a few alcoholic beverages to ease some of my worry. All I knew was I was extremely upset and I think we all know by now that I make stupid mistakes when I'm upset then buzzed on top of that.

That being said I made my way upstairs to try and sleep until I heard the sound of tapping. Very good tapping from the room down the hall from Vans. I knew it had to have been Bob. I walked down the hallway and to the outside of Bobs room.

Although buzzed I could still make out everything but my logic factor at times was gone. I knocked lightly on the door which made the tapping stop. I heard a shuffle of some sort and a quiet "Come in" called out. I opened the door and Bob sat on his bed He genuinely looked surprise before he looked at me with worry.

"Lyla are you okay?!" Bob asked as he hurriedly went over to me, grabbed my hand, and then sat me down on his bed.

He looked at me and I started crying. He wrapped his arms around me letting me crying into his chest.

"Shhh, shh it's okay" he told me trying to calm me down.

"I want him home" my muffled voice all but screamed into his chest.

I was now angry and pulled away from him. My stupid decision that happens when I'm upset then came into play. I crashed my lips with Bobs who immediately melted into the kiss. I pushed him back on the bed kissing him over and over again. I manged to get his shirt off before he got mine off.

I rubbed my hands down his bare chest and stomach who were pretty muscular. My lips attached to the lower part of his kneck and he softly moaned. His thumbs pressed into my hips as my hands tugged on his hair. He got me on my back and started kissing me all over. Bob then connected his lips back on to mine. I knew it was wrong but I needed comfort.

I felt him between my legs so he obviously was enjoying himself. I kissed him before I bit his lip looking into his eyes. I let go of his lip and he sighed. He gave me one last passionate kiss before he got up, grabbing his shirt.

I sat up in confusion " Why'd you stop?" I asked as he tossed me my top.

"You're obviously a bit tipsy by the taste of alcohol on your breath and I know this is wrong of me..Vans one of my best mates and I just had a intense make out session with his girlfriend who has a child" he grabbed me by my hand and led me to his door "go catch some sleep" he gave me one last kiss from his soft gentle lips before opening the door.

Walked out and he gave me a sad smile before closing the door. I walked to Vans room and shut the door behind me. I curled up in bed before I fell asleep.

《 VAN 》

Shit,shit,shit. After I'd left the apartment late that day my phone stopped working. That then signaled to me that I hadn't paid my bill. I'd went to the shop like I was doing. I picked up what I needed before I was going to go back to the B&B. On my way I ran into a old friend. Long story short I was basically kidnapped.

They wouldn't let me go home and they'd slipped me something. I was passed out until about 10 the next morning. Everyone else was asleep so fled the scene. Now here I am back the B&B in my room admiring my beautiful girlfriend.

If told everyone downstairs what had happened then they told me what had happened. Bob left once they did as he seemed uncomfortable. He probably hadn't slept well or something. Anyways now I was here trying to figure out how to approach her.

I decided by first undressing my self mostly. What I mean was to take off my boots, Jacket, and shirt. I climbed in bed and she immediately grabbed me. I knew then she was half awake.

"Where were you?" She angrily mumbled into my chest.

"I was basically kidnapped and then drugged but I'm here now so let's forget it..I have something you"

Once I actaully got her awake and all I took my necklace off of myself. I put it on her and locked it so it stayed.

"I want you to keep it"

She smiled then pressed her lisp on mine. I smiled in the kiss as I pushed her down on my bed. I got a good welcome back if I say so myself.

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