20.5 - Andy

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(( nice, nice continuation ))

It's been about 3 months now and Elizabeta and Matthieu were growing to be inseparable. Almost every weekend you and Andy would meet up with the two kids and go to a park or something along those lines.

In these past months, you also were becoming close with Andy. You learned he was a drummer in a band and that he loved dogs, crossfit and tattoos. You adored his tattoos as well, accidentally tracing them with your fingers once without even realizing you were doing it.

That resulted in a blush fest and a laughing fit from Andy.

Today was a Wednesday, which surprised you when Andy called. It was kinda unusual as he would just usually text you, but you shrugged it off and answered happily. You weren't gonna lie, you had a slight- erm, major crush on the ginger drummer.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Andy's voice greeted through the speaker. You melted a little when he spoke. His voice was just so soft and sweet, it made you feel really giddy on the inside.

"Hey Andy, what's up?" You replied back. The line was silent for a couple seconds, then Andy stammered on some words a little bit.

"I-I was wondering if you wanted to hang out this weekend?" His voice shifted and sounded abnormally nervous. He also usually never stuttered when talking to you.

"Yeah! But I think Elizabeta-"

"Without the kids." Andy said, quickly cutting you off. You blinked a couple times out of surprise. You always thought about hanging out with Andy without the kids, but never really had the courage to ask.

Now, here he was asking you and you couldn't be more excited.

"Yes!" You exclaimed happily, then cleared your throat realizing that was slightly way more enthusiastic than you meant for it to come out like.

"Nice, see you Saturday around 2?" Andy more asked than said, making sure the time and date was alright with you.

"Perfect! See ya then!" You said, grinning to yourself.

"Bye." With that Andy hung up, leaving you a giddy mess. You felt like a child who just got the news they were allowed to have all the candy they wanted for life.

Then it hit you. It finally hit you.

"Holy shit is this... a date?"

[ time skip to Saturday ayy ]

You were rushing around trying to finish drying your hair before Andy came over. You apparently weren't fast enough though as the doorbell rang.

You quickly turned the hair dryer off and dashed for the door. You twisted the handle and the door opened with a small squeak. Andy's expression brightened when he saw you.

You smiled back and looked him over quickly. He was wearing a blue dress shirt with regular black jeans and his usual black vans. You were slightly surprised as you've never seen him dressed like this, even if it was still super casual. You shrugged it off though because he looked nice no matter what.

"Hey Andy! Come in!" You greeted and moved over just a little to let the ginger walk in past you.

"Hey (Y/N)." Andy greeted back with a smile. You told him you were going to finish drying your hair quickly, then you could get going.

After a rushed session of hair drying and violent brushing you walked out of the bathroom to see Andy looking at photos on the walls.

"I'm super sorry I had to finish doing my hair. I should've woken up earlier, but... nah." You said with a chuckle. Andy smiled and shrugged.

"It's all good," Andy reassured you."So, you wanna get some ice cream?" He asked.

Your (E/C) eyes lit up happily and you nodded. You can't remember the last time you got to enjoy ice cream without having to deal with small children, so this made you super excited.

"Let's go!" You exclaimed cheerily and grabbed Andy's hand before exiting the house. His cheeks lit up a vibrant pink, but lucky for him you didn't notice as you were two wrapped up in the idea of ice cream.

[ time skip to ice cream bc I'm lazy trash ]

"I'm so sorry I honestly forgot you were a vegan." You said kinda upset with yourself for forgetting. Andy frowned at the idea of you being upset. He suggested you two sit down, which you agreed to with a shrug.

You two found a wooden park bench and sat down. Andy rubbed your back in a comforting manner.

"It's okay, for the ice cream I mean. You could've gotten some you know though." Andy said and smiled softly at you. His voice was just so sweet that it made you give a small smile back.

"That's unfair though." You said with a pout. Andy chuckled, making you give him a glare.

"You're so cute." He said in an exhaled breath. Your cheeks burned red as you looked away now. Andy finally realized he said that out loud and tried to cover himself up, causing you to laugh.

"You're too precious." You giggled out and leaned over placing a quick kiss to the ginger's cheek.

"I-I, thank you?" Andy stumbled on his words. You laughed once again and stood now, Andy following your action.

"You know what, I'd love to hang out again. Just us, no kids. What'd ya say?" You turned to the ginger and asked happily. Andy nodded hastily.

"I'd love that too! Thank you, (Y/N). I'm sorry this was sorta a bust." Andy rubbed the back of his neck while nervously chuckling. You playfully pushed him gently.

"A bust? Honestly, as long as I get to be with you nothing's a bust."

(( A/N: ee part 2 with cute cliché fluff 😁 I hope this was okay ?? I want a cute date with Andy, like really bad, or maybe just a platonic hang out. Aka I wanna meet Andy really bad he's such a sweetheart and he's so adorable. Anyways, I hope this was semi-good/okay/readable at least 😅
PS. It's sorta kinda really obvious after writing this that I have a /slight/ obsession with his voice and honestly I don't even regret it lmao ))

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