50 - Pete

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You tapped your foot impatiently as you looked around the airport. It was quite late, 12am to be exact, and your flight had been delayed 2 times already. You thought about going back to the house of the friend you had been visiting, but pushed it off after you were told the next flight would be here soon.

Well, soon turned into 5 hours and it was quite too late to go back now. So, here you sat with your arms crossed and a permanent look of annoyance on your face.

"I guess your plane for delayed too, huh?" A voice said from beside you. Your head snapped over to see who talked.

A man who seemed in his 30s sat next to you with a warm smile. He had dark hair, stubble and wore a shirt of some old band from the 70s. You sighed and shrugged.

"Yeah." You replied with an annoyed tone. You didn't mean to sound so harsh, but you couldn't help yourself. You were tired, angry and irritated!

"How long have you been here?" He seemed to ignore the tone you had earlier, making you somewhat grateful. You felt kinda bad for talking to him in such a way. I mean, you didn't even know him!

"5 or 6 hours, give or take." You shrugged. His hazel eyes seemed to go wide at this.

"Wow, that's quite a long time. My name's Pete, by the way." He introduced himself now, turning and extending a hand to you.

You smiled softly and straightened your posture a bit, taking his hand and shaking it.

"(Y/N)." You said back. You now caught the sight of a guitar/bass, you couldn't really tell the different, case beside Pete. You tilted your head a little and pointed at it.

"What'd ya play?" You asked. Pete's eyes gleamed at your question before he reached over brought the case in front of him.

"Bass! I'm actually in a band." Pete exclaimed, quite proudly.

"Really? That's cool! What's it like?" Your mood seemed to shift now, as you were slowly forgetting how annoyed you were earlier. Talking to Pete really helped take it off your mind, his happiness seemed to rub off on you.

Pete talked about his band excitedly. He talked about touring, his bandmates, all the places he's been and a lot more. You listened attentively. Right now, he was in the middle of a story.

"That's how I got this scar, haha." Pete finished his story, pointing to a scar on the bridge of his nose.

"He really hit you in the face with his guitar?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. Pete nodded.

"We were crazy back in the day, now we're old." Pete said, making you laugh.

"Yeah right 'old'." You snorted, putting finger quotations around 'old'.

"Hey, 37 ain't exactly young." Pete said, rolling his eyes playfully.

"Yeah, but-"

"Flight number 372, your plane will arrive shortly." You were cut off by a lady speaking. You grinned and quietly cheered.

"Finally!" You exclaimed, standing from your seat. Pete's smile fell now, realizing you were to be leaving. You were collecting your stuff, when you felt said man tap your shoulder.

"How about I give you my number..?" He asked more than said. You chuckled and set a bag down before nodding.

"Yeah! That's a cool idea, I'd be nice to talk to you more."

Pete smiled again and you two exchanged numbers quickly. As you finished, an announcement came on that your flight was here.

"Bye Pete, it was nice meeting you." You said before turning away from the dark haired male. He said his goodbye as well, wishing you a safe flight.

(( A/N: ahh here's somethin I came up with super quick :') I'm getting back into a writing kick so ??! Idk this probably could've been better, but I tried loL.. Also, holy heck 50 imagines ! I probably should've done something special, but I'm /coughlazycough/ ))

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