31 - Andy

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Your friends had convinced you to go ice skating as your usual Saturday get together. Although you were kinda iffy at first they used the whole "it's just like roller skating" gag to get you to go. You agreed and you quickly found out that this was not like roller skating.

You clung to the wall helplessly as your friends just watched. Your best friend, (F/N) ,skated over to you and offered to help you. You nodded and let them take your arm and guide you around a little.

Soon, you were skating all fine. You smirked now, getting the hang of it. You skated around the rink happily, until you had the great idea of "I wonder how fast I can go".

You picked up speed and bit your lip a little. (F/N) warned you about not going to fast, but you just brushed it off.

All you remember after gaining a lot of speed was seeing a man skate in front of you, you shouted "watch out, I don't know how to stop" and a yell of pain.

You opened your eyes to find yourself tangled on top of someone. (F/N) had by now skated over and was beginning to pull you off. Everyone stared as you say on the ice, dazed.

The person you ran into sat up now, rubbing his forehead. You looked up to his face which had a beard and a bloody nose. You gasped and pointed, not being able to find words.

The man lifted his gloved hand to his nose, then pulled it away seeing the red substance on the fabric. He just shrugged.

"I'm so sorry." You finally choked out. At least everyone wasn't paying attention to you guys anymore.

"Hey dude, you alright?" A voiced asked, making you three turn your heads to see a curly haired brunet. His eyes widened at the bloody nose his friend sported.

"Oh god, what happened?" He asked, helping his friend up. (F/N) did the same with you, helping you keep your balance.

"It's my fault." You said softly while looking at your skates.

"Don't worry, it's just a bloody nose. Nothing broken." A new voice spoke. Your head shot up to look at the man you ran into. He was smiling at you happily. You blushed a little and smiled back.

"I still feel pretty bad." You said, biting your lip and still trying to avoid contact.

"Mistakes happen. Anyways, my name's Andy and this is my friend Joe." He introduced himself and the brunet. Joe waved at you. You nodded back.

"I'm (Y/N) and this is (F/N)." You replied and gestured to your friend. They waved.

"I know we met in like the worst way possible, but it's still nice to meet you." Andy said. You realized now how cute his voice actually was and blushed a tiny bit.

"Y-yeah, I'm still really sorry again."

"Don't beat yourself up, (Y/N). Anyways, I should clean my nose up. Maybe I'll see you around?"

"S-sure..!" You smiled. The ginger smiled back and waved along with his brunet friend before skating off.

You watched them exit the ring, then felt (F/N) nudge you.

"Oooo (Y/N)'s got a crush!" They mocked like a middle schooler would. You burned Crimson and shook your head.

"I probably broke his nose, like hell does he like me." You said, crossing your arms.

"Yeah, but that's not you denying that you like him~" They teased. You groaned.

"C'mon, let's find everyone else." You said and stared to skate away. (F/N) squealed and followed you, still teasing about your "crush".

(( A/N: oh man oh man I'm here. Idk this could've been better but I'm super duper tired 😁 ahH I don't write enough for Andy and I feel so bad bc he's such a precious sweetheart ))): I'll try to more tbh anyWAYS idk I hope you all are having a good day ily 💖 ))

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