46 - Andy

612 35 8

(( requested by @mitamisamazing :D ))

You wondered why you hadn't gotten that cursed thing you liked to call "week of hell" for a month now. After thinking of somethings that could cause this, and also some googling, you decided that it was time for a pregnancy test.

You were quite anxious. It would add up quite well, too. Before Andy had left for tour a month and a half ago he gave you a... well.. let's call it a 'special going away gift', if you know what I mean.

You paced the marble floor of the bathroom, biting your lip to the point where skin was coming off. Although, that was the last thing on your mind. There was a 50% chance you could be pregnant right now and- okay thinking about it made you almost want to puke from anxiety.

Once the timer on your phone buzzed, you froze. You felt yourself start to tremble a little as you glanced over at the stick sitting on the side of the sink. Shakily, you reached for it.

After taking hold of it, you slowly raised it closer to you. You looked closely and (shocker) you saw two red lines on it. You stared at the item a little while longer, continuously reading over the symbol.

Slowly, you turned and sat on the closed toilet seat. You set the pregnancy test back on to the sink before running a hand through your hair.

A million thoughts rushed through your mind all at once now. How were you to tell Andy? He wasn't supposed to be home for another couple weeks! You didn't want to tell him over Skype! But, you had to tell him!

Your phone vibrated, signaling you got a text. You fished the device from your pocket, seeing Andy's name on the screen with some fading words next to it. You hadn't even realized you were crying now until some drops fell on the screen.

You wiped them off quickly before unlocking your phone. You opened your chat with Andy and read the text he sent.

Andy: Hey do you mind letting me in? I wanted to come home as a surprise, but I forgot my keys were in a different bag 😅

Your phone slipped from your hand now, the anxiety you already had seemed to completely double. Andy was at the front door and here you were crying and looking like a mess.

You scrambled to pick your phone back up and wrap the pregnancy test in toilet paper before disposing it. You washed your hands and brushed your hair to the fastest of your ability.

Your eyes were still quite red, but there was no time to wait for them to chill before letting Andy inside. You've made him wait outside long enough!

You rushed down the stairs now, almost slipping. Everything at this moment in time was a mess and you almost swore you've been dreaming.

Although, when you opened the front door and your husband yelled surprise before giving you a bone crushing hug, you knew you weren't dreaming. You hugged Andy back and buried your head into the crook of his neck. He happily lifted you up, forcing your legs around his waist before walking into the house and closing the door.

Andy sat on the couch now with you still in his lap. He began kissing your nose and cheeks, making you giggle. You set your forehead against his, opening your eyes to look into his sky blue orbs.

"I missed you." Andy said in his sweet little voice that always made you die inside.

"I missed you too." You replied, smiling.

Andy stared into your eyes a little longer, a look of worry seeming to grace his features.

"Were you crying?"

There it was. The question you dreaded for him to ask. You gulped and your cheeks flushed. You avoided eye contact for a second, trying to think of something.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Andy seemed be panicked now.

Something washed over you and made tears well in your eyes. You couldn't help it as you started crying, throwing your arms around the ginger's neck pulling him closer. You cried into his chest, listening to the pounding of his heart.

Andy pet your back softly, cooing sweet words to you. You hiccuped and looked up at your husband, sniffling now.

"(Y/N), I really want you to tell me what's wrong." Andy said, looking into your teary (E/C) eyes. You nodded and wiped your face of some tears began taking a deep breath.

"Don't be mad, please." You said. Andy's face paled as his eyes widened.

"Mad? (Y/N) did you chea-"

"I'm pregnant!" You cut him off, not even wanting him to finish that sentence.

Andy stared in shock. His mouth was slightly ajar. You sniffled again, setting your head against his chest.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-"

"You're not joking with me, right?" Andy cut you off. He titled your head up, so he could look at your face, with his finger gently.

You shook your head, tears still brimming your eyes. A smile broke out on Andy's face and he sprang up from the couch, still holding you.

The ginger danced around the room with you in his arms, laughing. Your eyes were wide with shock. He was... happy?

"I'm so happy! I'm gonna be a father!" Andy cheered, kissing you on the cheek.

After some time, Andy set you down again. You swayed a little, still kinda dizzy from his sudden outburst.

"You're really serious, right?" Andy asked once more with a serious tone. You nodded, smiling.

"I'M REALLY GOING TO BE A FATHER! I have to call the guys!" Andy yelled once more, rushing to grab his phone from his pocket.

You walked over to him, taking his phone from his hand before shaking your head.

"Tell them when you go back, for now let's just relax okay? I was so stressed earlier I could really use a movie, ice cream and hugs." You said with a chuckle.

Andy nodded and put his phone back, smiling at you.

"You're right. How about I get the ice cream you get the movie?"

"Deal!" You exclaimed, rushing back to the living room.

"Can we please watch something else other than Howl's Moving-"

"WE'RE WATCHING HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE!" You called back, cutting him off as you knew what he was gonna say.

Andy sighed and walked to the kitchen now, getting the promised ice cream.

Once you two were settled on the couch you turned the movie on and curled closer to your husband. You intently watched the screen as his arm went around your shoulder. There was only enough ice cream for you, but that's alright because then he could hold you and not have to worry about dumping ice cream all over himself.

"I love you, (Y/N)." Andy whispered, kissing your temple.

"I love you too." You replied back, softly.

(( A/N: ayy its me, Sap Queen Dandy haha anyWAYS I HOPE THIS WAS OKAY ?? I thought it was cute idk but it's currently 6:30 am and I haven't slept because I've been having my own person studio ghibli marathon lol I heckin love ghibli especially howl's moving castle ))

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