39 - Joe

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You happily cooked breakfast and hummed to the tune of the song on the radio. You were awaiting your sleeping beauty, Joe. Sunday was usually his only peaceful day, which is why you let him sleep him.

"We are always running for the thrill of it, thrill of it~" You mumbled the lyrics to yourself as you flipped a pancake.

"Always pushing up the hill searching for the thrill of it." A voice from behind you sang, making you jump. You caught yourself from falling or knocking anything over luckily.

You swung around to see a sleepy eyed Joe grinning. You rolled your eyes and padded over to him, batting your eyes with a hint of mischief in them. Joe furrowed his eyebrows at you quizzically.

"What's up with the look?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Oh nothing~" You cooed and ruffled his unkempt brown locks. He hissed and batted your hands away gently, making you giggle.

"It hurts!" Joe defended himself, whining almost. You rolled your eyes once more, patted his fluffy hair, then instructed him to sit for breakfast.

Joe did as he was told and pulled a chair out, wincing when it squeaked against the floor. He sat down and you set a plate in front of him with pancakes and bacon perfectly prepared.

"Thanks, sweetheart, you always know what I love." Joe said, happily taking a bite of the hot food. He sighed contently after swallowing, overjoyed with how good the taste was. You chuckled and opened a cabinet, reaching towards the back.

"Coffee?" You asked, grabbing a cup hidden behind the rest. Joe hummed in reply, which you knew by know to be a yes.

"So Joey, do you know what today is?" You asked, setting two cups on the marble counter with a gentle clank noise.

"Sunday." Joe replied, shrugging. You sighed and shook your head.

"Try again dear." You said, pointing the freshly brewed drink into both mugs.

"Um... the 19th?" Joe asked, completely confused. He watched you waiting for you to answer, but you didn't. He just slowly turned back to his food and continued to munch on a piece of bacon.

It only took a minute to prepare the coffee as Joe usually just drank his black. You sauntered back to the wooden table and set his cup next to him and yours next to your own plate now.

"Joseph," You hummed, catching the brunet's attention."Have you thought about what today was yet?"

Joe looked up at you now, confusion resting back into his features. He scratched his head, then shook it slowly. You just shrugged and motioned to his cup with a nod of your head.

"Look at your cup."

Joe turned his cup a little and read the words "#1 Dad". His icy blue eyes flicked back up to you with the most confusion you've ever seen in one man's eyes before.

"Number one dad... But (Y/N) I'm not... What?"

"It's Father's Day, honey." You replied softly.

"So? I'm not a- holy shit." Joe's eyes widened in realization now. You but your bottom lip to try and stop yourself from grinning or giggling, but failed.

"Are you? Am I? Is this real!?" Joe said, almost panicking.

"Whoa there Joey calm down!" You said and reached over to pat the man's shoulder. His breathing slowed and you smiled.

"Yes, you're going to be a father." You spoke, voice as calm as the ocean on sweet summer day.

Joe's tear glazed blue eyes connected with your (E/C) orbs. His lips pulled into a tight smile as he sprang from his seat and pulled you from your own.

"Oomf! Joe!" You squealed as he pulled you into an almost back breaking hug.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" He repeated, smothering your flushed cheeks with kisses.

"Joey, I love you too, but please stop crushing me." You begged, trying to pull out of his tattooed arms.

Joe loosened his grip on you, but still held his arms around your waist. He leaned down placing his forehead against your own.

"I love you so much, (Y/N)." He whispered, kissing your nose. You giggled.

"I love you too, Joe. Happy Father's Day."

(( A/N: hi here's a super fricken early Father's Day imagine bc why not idk I'll probably write Father's Day ones for all the boys if I find the tIME or energy tbh I've been focusing a lot on drawing lately bc ya know future career choices n what not lmao anywAYS this is kind of a cliche idea, but I thought it was cute so why the heck not /feat the amazing song called walking on a dream by empire of the sun heckin love sm ❤️/ ))

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