24 - Andy

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It was one of those days. Perfect.

Cloudy, rainy, cold. Just completely ugly outside, and you get to walk to work in that. You almost regretted it immediately. The wind made your umbrella useless almost and you ended up getting wet anyway.

You stopped for a second at a bus stop. You sat on the bench and closed your umbrella for now. You shivered a little now as your soaking clothing didn't help trap heat in.

You felt a coat wrap around your shoulders, making you jump. Your head whipped to the person next to you. You were greeted with a soft smile from a--might I saw adorable--ginger man.

"U-uh, thank you?" You squeaked out, mentally slapping yourself for the tone of your voice. The man chuckled.

"Sorry I scared you, didn't mean to. You were just shaking really bad and I didn't want you getting sick or anything..." He trailed off at the end, a light pink dusting his cheeks. Your heart melted at his adorable voice and sweet actions.

"As long as this coat doesn't have like drugs on it and you're not trying to frame me for a cartel or anything, then it's fine." You said with a chuckle. Adorable-ginger-man, which you've named him in your head, laughed too.

"I'm (Y/N), by the way." You smiled and extended a still slightly shaky hand from shivering still.

"O-oh! I forgot to introduce myself, sorry! I'm Andy." Andy shook your hand and you now finally noticed his tattoos. You stated at them for a couple seconds, then shook yourself back to reality.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Andy! Thank you for the jacket, by the way. You're so sweet." You said smiling. The blush on Andy's cheeks darkened just the slightest as he stuttered a quick 'your welcome'.

"Well, I have to go to work sadly," You mentally groaned while standing."It was nice meeting you, I'd love to talk more."

Andy grinned and nodded quickly in reply. You handed him his coat back and pulled out your phone.

"Number?" You asked. Andy told you his number and you nodded along as he talked. You tapped the phone keyboard and entered the contact into your list.

"Sweet!" You exclaimed."I'll text you later, bye Andy!"

Andy said his goodbye too as you began to walk away quickly, realizing you were almost late for work.

(( A/N: this started off okay, then got kinda iffy at the end idk. It's kinda cliché I guess. Idc anymore I'm tired rn n this is all my brain could produce lmao ))

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