Chapter 9

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As soon as I heard Chloe scream, I bolted around the corner as fast as the wind. Was someone attacking her? I needed to help her.
When I finally spotted Chloe I sprinted up to her. She was kneeling down on the ground, crying. I was really confused, but then I looked up and started to look around, and then immediately knew why she was screaming. Her box that she slept in was torn up into 5 pieces. On each piece, was a letter; it spelt out loser. Chloes fluffy blanket was cut up into shreds. But I think what hurt Chloe the most was that her guitar had been hit with a hammer multiple times.
"Chloe..." I say, bending down to her. I tried to hug her, but she turned away. "It's ruined" she barely whispered. "ITS ALL FUCKING RUINED" she screamed as she ran over to examine her lifeless guitar. "My guitar.." And that was when she started to cry, more than ever before.
I picked Chloe up and turned her around so she was facing me, and that our faces were inches apart. "Calm down, it's going to be okay"
"But Ric-"
"Let me finish. It's going to be okay, because you are going to live with me."
Chloe was stunned. "W-what?" She stutters. "My aunt and uncle are out of town for almost a month, they just left today. You can stay while they're gone, And I'm sure they would be more than happy for you to stay for longer if you needed to. Starting next week, I am going to help you get a job, so you can save up for an apartment. Chloe, I am going to make sure that you will never be homeless again."
A huge grin appeared on Chloe's face. "Are you sure Ricky? Because you don't hav-"
"I'm sure. I'm defiantly sure. we can have a movie night every night, swim in the pool, play video games in the games room, and more. Does that suit your standards?" He smirked.
"Ricky Garcia, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me" and that was when Chloe ran to me and jumped into my arms, hugging me ever so tightly. I never wanted to let go.

HomelessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz