Chapter 48

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Chapter 48
Chloe's pov

I was wrong. I thought nothing bad would happen. I thought that Ricky would never really lose his love for me, but I guess he kind of did.
It's been almost a month since my record release party, and ever since then everything has been going downhill with me and Ricky. He told me that he would be really busy for a while. And that when he had free time, he would spend every single second of it with me. But that sure as hell did not happen. He barely has any free time, and when he does he either just goes out with his friends or sleeps. And I completely understand that he is super busy and always exhausted, but he made a promise to me. A promise that he didn't keep. He rarely utters a word to me anymore. We haven't had a proper conversation in weeks. I always used to try to talk to him but he never really listened, so I just gave up on him. I really don't know what's gotten into him. Has he stopped loving me? Well I haven't stopped loving him.
Lori texted me to tell me to come down to her office, because she has some big news she wants to tell me. Oh and by the way, not trying to brag, but I am probably one of the most famous singers around at the moment. 5 songs from my album were the top 5 on the charts for weeks. I have about 25 million followers on Instagram, my own fanbase called the "lukasinators", and I have millions of fan accounts made for me. I grab my handbag and head out the door and hop into my porche (I can drive now). I arrive to the building and make my way to Lori's office. I knock on the door once and as I begin to continue knocking the door swung open almost immediately, so I can see Lori standing there with the biggest smile on her face. "BOY DO I HAVE SOME NEWS FOR YOU" she shouted. I laughed, and sat down in the chair in front of her desk while she sat in the chair behind it. "Okay. Chloe, the team and I have decided that it is time for you to do  a WORLD TOUR FOR YOUR ALBUM" screamed as she jumped up and down. "WHAT" I was screaming too. I couldn't believe it. I was having my very own world tour. This can't be real. I couldn't contain my excitement. But soon enough, my smile slowly turned into a frown. "Lori.." I began. "How long am I going to be gone for" I said with my voice quivering, knowing that this isn't going to end well. "Um.." Lori said, nervously.
"About eleven months."
"WHAT?!" I was standing up now. "When are we leaving?" "Tomorrow." Lori replied. "We are flying to London to meet up with our team. We have to start planning it."
All sorts of feelings came rushing to my head. 11 whole months without Ricky. And I'm leaving tomorrow. How would I cope..wait. Would he even care? Of course he will Chloe,he loves you. Or he loved you. CHLOE STOP IT.
I don't know how I am going to tell him.

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