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Two young men, one is Ed, walk out of a place called 8th Street Sports Lounge. "I'm serious, I'm serious. That was way overpriced, dude. Back where I'm from, okay, it was like $3 a beer." His friend says.

"Okay, then I'm buying next time." Says Ed.

"I'm not even lying. I'm not even joking at all." They see Eve. She is wearing a white dress. There is a bloodstain on the front of it, by her chest.

"Hey. Heaven must be missing an angel." Ed says as Eve touches Ed's face and walks away. "I think she likes me."

"Okay, Fabio, let's - let's go. " He leads Ed away.

[ ☾]

Eve enters a bar. You Sexy Thing by Hot Chocolate is playing. There are a lot of people. She looks around, locks the door and breaks off the handles. She walks through the bar. Two guys are sitting at a table nearby.

"Are you okay, miss?"

"I'm perfect." Says Eve.

Guy One points at her dress. "I mean is - is that blood?" He asks. Eve looks down.

"Yes. I suppose it is." She says.

"You sure you're alright?" Eve says nothing. She walks up to him and kisses him. Veins disperse into his face. Eve walks away. His head hangs forward.

"Hey, what the hell?"

"I gave him a gift." She touches a woman's face and the same vein-thing happens.

"C'mon, let's get out of here." The Guy says. Eve touches several more people's faces. The guy from the table attacks his friend. The touched people also attack others. They bite their necks. People run to the door but can't get out. As everyone is attacking or being attacked, Eve smiles.


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The bottle the ashes were in is empty. Dean is making shotgun shells with the ashes. Sam, Elena and Bobby walk in. "Hey. How you doing?" Sam asks.

"Five shells. That's how I'm doing." Dean says.

Sam sighs. "Well, you know, it's a hell of a lot more than what we had last week." He says.

"Maybe." Dean says.

"Meaning?" Elena asks.

"Meaning I just had myself a little mishap a few minutes ago, and, uh, well, here, look." Dean rubs ashes on his arm. Nothing happens.

"Whoa." Sam says.

"Huh." Bobby says.

"I mean this stuff is supposed to burn the bejeezus out of Eve, doesn't even give me a sunburn." Says Dean.

"Lore says it works."

"That's always reliable." Dean says sarcastically.

"Well, you know what? Maybe it's like, uh - maybe it's like iron or silver." Sam says. "You know? Hurts them, not us."

"Maybe, but a fat lot of good it does us 'til we find the bitch." Dean says.

"I'm looking, but I'm thinking maybe it's time you made a call." Bobby says.

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