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Harry's POV:

This is it. After this lunch, I'm telling her. We're through. We're done. I can't be with her anymore. She's too...controlling. Too bitchy. Too bossy. I can't take it anymore. If she's this bad already, after only seeing each other for 2 months, I can't imagine what she'll be like in 6 months.

I was heavy in thought. I wasn't used to breaking up with people. Dumping women. I usually wasn't the one doing the dumping. Sometimes, but not usually. I usually took the easy way out, and either ignored them until they got the clue and went away, or just pissed them off to the point that they'd dump me. I always felt bad dumping! Too much of a softy, I suppose. But not today. I'm working on a new pair of balls today, and from now on.

I decided to go collect my thoughts in the bathroom. Pep myself up a little. Look in the mirror and tell myself I can do this. She'll get over it. It's no big deal. I'll just tell her it's not working out.

I spent probably 10 whole minutes in the men's room at Liberty Lunch n' Dinner. I peed, I washed my hands, and then I breathed some deep breaths, and looked at myself in the mirror and started my pep talk. Deciding exactly what I was gonna say to her to break it off. She probably already knew what was coming, because I did tell her we needed to talk, when I asked her to lunch. Knowing her personality, she probably thought I was gonna propose to her or something. She's very....vain.

Ok. I can do this, I thought to myself, and I threw open the men's room door, and took a step out with confidence......only to bang the door into someone.

See what happens when I get too much confidence? This wasn't a good sign.

I put my hand out to try and steady the woman I hit with the door, but she regained her balance herself by the time I noticed what happened. "Oh hey, sorry!" I said to her in shock. I figured she worked in the kitchen. For someone working in a restaurant, she sure was skinny, though. She didn't move. She was just standing there awkwardly for a few seconds. It all happened so quick, yet, so slowly that there was plenty of time for awkwardness for some reason. Suddenly, she looked over her shoulder at me, and when I looked into her eyes, I saw complete....horror.

That's all I can describe it as. Horror.

When my eyes finally unlocked from her glare, that was when I noticed the rest of her face. It too looked like pure horror. She had welts and bruises everywhere, and there was blood dried on her face! What the bloody hell????? Other than her battered looking face, I could tell she was a pretty girl. Full lips, long, dark brown hair in a ponytail, and bright hazel eyes on either side of her perfectly sloped nose.

My mouth moved around, but I didn't know WHAT to possibly say in that moment. I was shocked, and now I too was standing there awkwardly and totally speechless.

Finally I managed to spit out "Are you...alright?"

She just kept looking at me. It was like she was looking into my soul, though my eyes. The horror that was trapped in her dark puffy eyes actually disappeared for a split second, replaced by...a glimmer of peace. But it was so quick, and before I knew it, the peace was gone from her eyes, and the horror was back. So many emotions, in so few seconds. How did she do that?

She didn't answer me back. All that came out after her mouth moving silently for a second or two, was a sudden gasp of breath, followed by more small sobs. And with that, she turned quickly and rushed through the door. I could hear her lean back on it after it closed. I could hear her breaths as she sobbed. I stood there with my hands on the door, wondering what the FUCK just happened, until someone started walking down the hall towards me. I composed myself, cleared my throat, and started walking, with my head down as I passed another customer on her way to the ladies room.

Cross My Heart // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now