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Tonight Larry was coming over. I cleaned the flat while Harry went grocery shopping. I was just finishing up some laundry when he came in the door carrying ALL the bags, as usual. He doesn't like to take two trips. He needs to get it all done at once, no matter how. I ran over and took some of them, and we put them away together, like a happy couple. We're always happy. We've never argued yet. Never gotten into a fight. Never disagreed about anything. I'm sure it will happen in the future, but so far...so good. We do have little spats, but they're more like playing. They start from something stupid, like him hogging the blankets in bed, and I'll pout, and he'll take the rest of them from me and wrap them up around him so I can't get them, and I pout more, and I try and hit him and get the blankets back and he "gets mad" and attacks me and he's too heavy on top of me with all his blankets and I yell at him and he bounces on me to try and crush me more, and yeah.....that sort of thing. We end up laughing and cuddling more after. I love our fights.

We got a shower together after the groceries were put away, which was...interesting, I'll just say.

I was still a little flustered from it for a while after. He's so fvcking sexy, I can't stand it sometimes. The faces and noises he makes when he comes....I just......it gives me chills just thinking about it. I want him. ALL. THE. TIME.

I could actually just live happily by just satisfying him all day and night. Over and over again.

Anyway, I digress.

There was a knock at the door and I took some deep breaths, and Harry gave me a quick hug and pep kiss, he calls them. He gives me a kiss on the nose and forehead, then the top of my head, before anything serious happens, like meeting one of his male friends. He whispers "You got this", and then I feel ready. He's so cute.

Harry answered the door, and in walked Larry. He had a black fedora type hat on, and dark sunglasses, which he took off after shaking hands with Harry when he got inside.

They said their greetings and Larry came and sat on the sofa. I had gone into the kitchen for some water, but I saw him from afar when he first came in the door.

I put the water gallon away and picked up my glass from the counter and started walking into the living room, telling myself "I got this" in my head as I prepared to meet Larry.

Suddenly, there was a really loud bang from upstairs. It rattled our flat. Next, I heard a scream. And then a man's voice yelling loud profanities.

I looked over at Harry, who was looking at the ceiling, cursing. "Fvcking hell", he said as he put his glass of lemonade down on the coffee table without really paying attention.

He looked over at me, and told me "Stay in the kitchen...I'll be right back.....stay there!" and he tossed open the door and ran out of the flat and into the hall. I could hear him run up the stairs and through the door to the upstairs hallways.

It was them again. The couple who lived above us always fought. Harry had complained to the landlord several times over the few years that he'd lived here, but nothing was done about it. Harry said he liked the location of this flat, so he didn't want to move, but one of these days, he's gonna get fed up with it, and move.

In the short time I'd lived here, Harry had already broken them up twice, although we'd heard a few milder fights that seemed like they'd be ok.

The husband often came home drunk and would pick fights with his wife, and he'd try and beat her. But she would try and beat him back. It was a mess. The people in the flats next to them were too scared to bother helping them, so it was always left up to Harry if he was here to hear it.

Cross My Heart // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now