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When I opened my eyes this morning, the sun was shining through the window, and a beam of light, broken up into lines of light shone through the window. I followed the beam down through the window and onto the bed, where it shone directly onto Harry. It was a meaningful sign to me.

He was looking at me again. It startled me again, but not as badly as last night.

"Harry, you've got to stop staring silently like a fvcking creeper, dude!" I whispered to try and not wake Gwen.

He smiled and blinked slowly.

"How are you feeling this morning? Get some rest?" I asked him.

He simply nodded, mostly with his eyes.

He seemed too tired to talk, so I didn't say anything else.

I laid my head back down against the chair and tilted it down enough so I could look at Harry.

He was looking at Gwen, who was still curled into my chest.

I saw him give a slight smile as he took in the sight of her.

Then his eyes moved up to my face, and his eyes narrowed at me, accusingly. Then a smile broke out across his face.

It made me snicker and shake my head. I decided to fvck with him for giving me that look, so I put my arms around Gwen and looked up at him fakely content, with a smirk on my face.

I noticed movement a few feet down from Harry's face.

I looked, and his middle finger was sticking up as his hand rested on the bed.

I looked back to his eyes and grinned so hard, my nose stung, and my eyes watered. When I blinked it away, a tear spilled out the side of my one eye.

My lip trembled now, and I laughed silently as more tears started leaking out. Damn him for making me cry like this! I felt like a total sissy boy, until I looked back at Harry.

Now even he had a tear leaking down the side of his slightly smiling face.

I smiled more, and let my head relax back down to rest until Gwen woke up. I pulled the blanket over her exposed arm and shoulder, tucking her in against me more, just as a subliminal "I got the last word" kinda thing to spite Harry. One more little joke before doctors and nurses came in soon, and Gwen woke up and things got hectic.

I enjoyed our little "fvck you as.shole" joking session in private. Now I closed my eyes, wondering if he was planning revenge for my actions. I hoped so. I wanted him to be able to carry it out as soon as possible. Because that would mean he was alive and healed.

When I finally woke up after another snooze, I could feel Gwen's eyes on me before I even opened mine.
I sat up a little bit, and turned my head towards Gwen.

"I was waiting in and out of sleep for you to wake up", I said to her, stretching out.

"You know, you actually looked happy in your sleep just now?" she asked me.

"I wasn't sleeping. I was resting I've been awake for a while. And I have to piss badly, mind you. And, I AM happy", I told her, and took a quick look at Harry. He was awake. Looking at Gwen. Perfect. "because I have a surprise for you."

She squeezed her eyebrows together, and laughed...."Wait....maybe I better get off of your lap then?" she joked.

I laughed. "Ha ha ha...very funny. No....it's a REALLY AWESOME surprise. For real."

She made a funny face. "Well, the only surprise that would be REALLY AWESOME, is for Harry to wa...." she looked over, and her voice was shocked into silence right away. Her eyes got wide, and her mouth opened and she sucked in a sharp breath, and FLEW, literally fvcking FLEW out of the chair. Crushing my junk in the process, but not even noticing, as I sat there groaning in pain, doubled over, cupping my sh.it. Fvck, that hurt! Then I started to laugh through my pain.

Cross My Heart // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now