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Before I could even comprehend what just happened, all I saw was Gwen's back, rushing out the flat door. I looked back at the girl on the ground. She was crying now, holding her jaw, cursing. Calling Gwen names. Mean, nasty names. She just needed to shut. the fvck. UP, is what she needed to do.

Just shut the fvck up.

Some of the guys came over to me, and asked if I was alright. I didn't even know what I was right now. All I could hear was squeaky crying, and I wished Gwen were here still, so she could hit her again.

I didn't know the story? What story?

I was drunk.

Really really drunk.

I knew this.

I came to conclusions....too soon. I didn't know the whole story, did I?

Lou wouldn't try anything. Especially not right here in the open, with everyone around.

What the hell was I thinking?

What the hell have I done????


I said horrible things. Terrible things. I said horrible, terrible things to my best friend in the world. My best friend who tried to die so I would be spared. He tried to die for me, so I could live the rest of my happy life with the woman I love. So she could be happy with the man she loves. He wanted me to be happy. And he wanted her to be happy. And I just blamed him for.....trying to steal everything in my life.

I'm not a good person.

I'm fvcking SH.IT.

A wave of nausea swept through me. Mixed with a wave of dread. Sorrow. Regret. FML, what the hell did I just do, and how the HELL can I undo it? I started gagging, but somehow managed to keep it in check. I needed to stop pulling the clump of hair on the top of my head though, I knew that. I just...couldn't. It made me feel better. And my fist wouldn't let go anyway. It was stuck in position in pure stress. My hand across my jaw. Stuck there. Eyes wide, staring at the wall. Frozen. Swimming....no. DROWNING. In a deep, black pool of pure regret. And I didn't want to fight my way out. I just wanted to drown. I can NOT believe what I did to my best friend in the world.....

I came out of my thoughts as the commotion went on around me. One of the guys was taking...Amber? Was that her name? She was being led out of my flat.


I hated her. I didn't want to see her ever again.

If Gwen hit her, then Amber was DEFINITELY a piece of sh.it. Because Gwen wouldn't hurt ANYONE.

I swear, if I wasn't a guy, I'd want a piece of that bit.ch's throat.

I was getting really pissed off now, as I started to comprehend what had just happened.

Gwen knocked someone to the floor. And there had to be a REALLY good reason for it.

A few of the guys came over to me and said goodbye. Said they'd text me later. Apologized for the scuffle. Said Amber is a pain in the as.s, and she needs to be tossed to the curb. They congratulated me on the new album, and they left.

I felt a presence, and I turned around. Paul and Tabby were standing behind me. Paul looked dumbfounded. Tabby looked sad.

"What?" I said angrily to Paul.

"What do you mean what? Do you realize what you said to Tommo, dude?" Paul asked, seeming pissed off.

"Yeah........I know. FVCK! I know! I.....I lost it. I thought he was......I don't know why I thought he was making moves on Gwen or something.....it just seemed like that girl was trying to pick him up and he turned her down for Gwen....I don't know......he got dumped by his last girlfriend because she could SEE that he had a thing for Gwen, so...I thought it was happening again.....and I just got tired of it, ya know?" I whined out my explanation.

Cross My Heart // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now