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"It's get the fuck up time! Enjoy your last morning, eh?"

I woke up way too groggy. I think I'd just finally gotten some real sleep, starting an hour or two ago. This asshole's voice was WAY too loud for this shit.

Wait....did he just say 'last morning'?

"Are we being let go today?" I asked, voice sounding hopeful. There was a spark of "what if" in my head, and it felt good. Even though I didn't know what he meant...guessing and imagining being let go was fun for my bored, lonely, wrecked mind.

"Let go?" the man laughed. Literally cracked up at me.

"Well, if you call dying being 'let go', then yeah! We're "letting you go" today!" he said, using air quotes and an extra smirky smirk.

"What the hell do you mean? Just let us go....let Gwen go at least. Just her...."

"No no no. That wouldn't be any fun. I mean, we'll probably let her go later...after you're dead. We wanna keep tabs on her. Watch her suffer without you. Watch her fall into the arms of your best mate...mate!"

"What the hell do you mean? WHAT is going on?" I got desperate and yelled at him.

"We are going to kill you. Today. But FIRST, you're gonna watch your best friend sc.rew your girlfriend!

If he refuses, we'll kill him. But I'm thinking....he'll do it....yeah?

After that's done, we bring you in to say goodbye to your lovey.....so make it good! And then we take you away, as she watches you get pulled out of her life....as she takes her last look at you....oh.....so very VERY sad, isn't it? And then we put a fvcking bullet in your brain.

End of story.

She falls in love with him, and we'll decide whether we want to kill them or keep them or let them go later. I don't know. It's up to the boss. But it won't matter to you anyway. You'll be DEAD.

Tragic, isn't it?" he ran through the plans for the day in such a sarcastic, dramatic, almost feminine way....I sprang from the bed and started rushing towards him. I was ready to fvcking kill him. I'd rip him to fvcking shreds with my own hands. I was mad enough. I almost reached him, when the gun came out of nowhere. Pointed right at me.

I stopped short, staring down the barrel.

"OR.....I can kill you right now. Spare you the emotional goodbyes." he smiled a sick, smile.

The goodbyes. Yes. I would at least get to say goodbye to her.....don't die yet Haz. Control yourself......

He took me to the video room, and pushed me into the seat.

"Enjoy the show!" he said, and he walked to the desk. I watched him sit, giving him a death glare.

I turned back and looked for the scissors that were here last night. They were gone. I looked for anything I could find. Use against him. There was nothing. I mean, I could rip the monitor from the socket and throw it at him. But he'd duck. It wouldn't work. It would only get me killed before I said goodbye to.......Oh my God.

It just started to sink in. I was going to die today.

Gwen was going to say goodbye to me, knowing she'd never see me again. Knowing...I couldn't even think about it. It was too much. It was too painful.

What was I supposed to say to her? What would I tell her? How could I sum up what was going to be a full lifetime of love, in a few minutes? I wanted to grow old with her. I wanted her to be with me through my entire life. If she died when she was old, I'd make sure I died just after her. I had it all planned in my head. But now....I wouldn't be there. After today, I wouldn't be here with her.

Cross My Heart // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now