not a chapter

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A/N: this isn't a chapter but the Chant from the story in case anyone wanted it. 😇

"I am a greaser," Sodapop chanted. "I am a JD and a hood. I blacken the name of our fair city. I beat up people. I rob gas stations. I am a menace to society. Man, do I have fun!""Greaser... greaser... greaser..." Steve singsonged. "O victim of environment,underprivileged, rotten, no-count hood!""Juvenile delinquent, you're no good!" Darry shouted."Get thee hence, white trash," Two-Bit said in a snobbish voice. "I am a Soc. I am the privileged and the well-dressed. I throw beer blasts, drive fancy cars, break windows at fancy parties.""And what do you do for fun?" I inquired in a serious, awed voice."I jump greasers!" Two-Bit screamed, and did a cartwheel.

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