Chapter 28

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Soda's POV

I rush to help Pony get the girls out. Sandy came with us.

"My perfect day turned into this! Its ruined! They had to knock down the boat!" Sandy complained.

I turn around and stare at her as all the guys there raise the ark. "Listen her! How the hell do two girls knock over a giant boat? And you're already married, so that didn't get ruined. So I suggest you shut your trap." I turn back around and pick up Y/N. "Two-bit take Denise's car back to the house. Steve you go with Two-bit."

"And where are you two going?" Two-bit asks.

"To a magical land! Where do you think they're going idiot!" Steve says hitting the back of Two-bits head.

"We're taking the girls to the hospital........ Soda we might have to call their parents." Pony says picking Denise up carefully.

"Oh yeah so I can get killed brought back to life and killed again."

"Soda we have to call their parents have not it'll be worst. How will the girls explain this?"

"We'll call from the hospital first let make sure they're okay and able to run."

It didn't take long for us to get to the hospital maybe because we had a police leading the way. He was at the wedding when everything happened and said he would gladly lead the way so we'll get there sooner.

We rush in with the girls and a nurse stops us.

"Hold up where's the fire?" The nurse asks. Her name tag said Mandy.

"Look a ark fell on these two girls they need to be seen as soon as possible." I say.

Many takes one look at the girls "Bring them to room 1 and we'll take a look. Is their parents coming?"

"We have to call." I say taking a deep breath.

I take out my phone calling Y/N's mom
Me: Hey
Y/N'S MOM: Who is this and how did you get my number?
Me: I'm your daughters boyfriend she's in the hospital
I hear a scream before the phone goes dead, meaning she hung up.

Pony hangs up the phone himself "Welp at least we're in the hospital so when we do die we'll be here."

"Let me guess Cherry answered?"

"Yep she's made about me dating her sister and getting her hurt. Don't know why she cares now. Denise was adopted into their family."

I look at Pony "Wait, what?"

He nods "Yeah, Denise was adopted. Her mom was all she had left and she got put in the hospital that's the last Denise heard from her."

I nod and waited for the nurse to come back out.

"Okay so its nothing to bad. Broken leg, cracked ribs, one has a broken arm so it'll be a wheelchair for her until she heals."

Just than the girls family walks in.

"Ponyboy I will kill you!"

"At least my daughter is dating a soc now." Y/N's moms says.

Cherry looks at her "Them Socs? Ha that's funny they'll just wearing nice clothes. Still the same greasers that only care about them selves!"

"If w only care about ourselves we would not be here and we would've never called you." Pony says.

I get up without saying a word and walk to room 1. I take Y/N's hand and kiss it "No matter what happens I love you please know that."

Pony stands by the door leaning on it "Why do I feel like hell?"

A/N: So I had to have mouth surgery and my cousin passed away so I haven't been updating.

I love you my beautiful butterflies

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