Chapter 29

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A/N: Just in case no one told you this. You're a very beautiful and amazing person. You're worth it and I love you!


I wake up with a bad pain in my side. I gasp taking in a deep breath. "Where the hell am I?" I ask trying to get my eyes used to the bright light.

"Y/N...... You're in the hospital baby girl. The jerk of a greaser is the caused of this. I warned you didn't I? No you just couldn't stay away could you? Why do you always have to go against my orders?" I hear my moms voice.

I feel a growl form in the back of my throat, but when I feel a familiar touch on my hand I stopped.

Soda gave a small smile and mouth sorry.

"At least he called you." I said. "I could care at if you came or not if you're going to yell like this." I mumble the last part.

I look over to Denise's bed to see that she hasn't woken up yet. I also see that Cherry was glaring daggers at Ponyboy. I wanted to say something but shoot what was I supposed to say? I went against not just my moms orders but my whole social class orders. I will forever be a outcast now. Not just me but my family too. Was all of this really worth it?

Soda knocks my out of my thoughts by whispering in my ear "It'll be okay. I'm sorry you had to go through this. And I'm sorry your mom had to find out about us like this. It sucks." He finishes and kisses my cheek.

My mom rolls her eyes "When will this doctor hurry up? What is even wrong with my daughter?"

"Well if you would have listened she has three cracked ribs, a broken leg, a broken arm, and a crack skull." Soda tells my mom.

My mom gasp "My poor baby."

I roll my eyes at that comment "I'm fine just ready to leave here. I just want cuddles." I look over at Soda when I said that. He gives me a small smile and shames his head no. I pout but remember that my mom will kill me when I get home.

Denise wakes up screaming her head off. Not for the fact that she was in pain but the fact that the boys and our parents are in the same room. "SHIT!!!"

"DENISE!!" Her mom yells "I will wash your mouth out with soap!"

Denise shrugs and looks at Soda, Pony, and me "Well guys we're fucked when we get off public grounds."

Cherry nods "I don't like fights but I will have to agree with Denise on this. I told you to stay away from my sister Pony. Y/N you're new here but you knew the rules. Things slide by easily last time, but this time it'll probably be in the news. Everyone will see this! In fact there's a reporter out side right now!"

I stare at the door as on cue to reporter steps in taking pictures.

"I can see the papers now! Two greasers almost kills two socs girls. Romance! Action! Death?!"

He starts taking pictures so I do the unthinkable; I pull Soda down to the bedside and kiss him. The whole room gasp and I swear my mom fainted, but instead she dropped everything she was bolding.

"If I felt like moving I would have done the same thing, but kinda have a Iv still in my arm. Speaking of this everyone that isn't Pony, Soda, or a nurse get the hell out of our room!" Denise says pointing at the door.

Our parents lives in disgrace. The reporter stops at the door.

"This is just in Is one soc secretly a greaser?"

"YOU CAN SUCK MY UNDEVELOPED......" Denise starts to shout but Pony covers her mouth at just the right moment.

"Okay let's keep it PG please niece."

I love you my beautiful butterflies
A/N: Can I just rant for like a few moments? Okay? Well good! Why the fuck is life testing me? Like first I have mouth surgery when I just go in for a cleaning. Next my cousins passes away at a young age. And last but not least because of this I get behind in my online classes. My teacher seemed like she got a attitude with saying "she's going to move me and my friends we're not sitting beside each other anymore. If we don't caught up on our work I'm calling parents. " Like my be I can't make up all this and do my other work in three days. Its not our fault we're slow, missed days, or couldn't talk. Rant over!

Thanks for reading

A/N: Just in case no one told you this. You're a very beautiful and amazing person. You're worth it and I love you!

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