Chapter 12

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Denise's POV
I smile slightly hugging Soda back the best I could. Oh how I wasn't done with Y/N yet. "What you thinking bout?" Pony boy asks me. "Oh you know just how late its getting and how tomorrow we have school." I said trying my best to lie. "Hey hmmm love....... We don't have school tomorrow."  "Oh wait what?!" I said looking at the calendar Pony boy was pointing at "Oh yeah.... That's what I thought..... Tomorrow is Saturday..... I- hmm I have to be at school tomorrow for a honor meeting." "Hey Pony does that mean you have to go too? I didn't hear anything bout it?" Soda said. I growl mentally, just let it go I thought "Oh no you wouldn't its a soc thing."I said. I felt bad about lying to them but I had to know why she would do something like this. "Well its getting late wanna crash here?" Darry asks walking into the room. "Nah I really must be on my way, you know how it is. Lots of makeup, dresses, shoes, and doing this hair of mine. Goodnight guys." I said giving everyone a hug and running out of the house.

I make the way back to my house thinking the whole time. That was until I see another car at Y/N. This made me think more. "That car....." I slowly pull into the drive way and sneak up to the living room window. I take a peak inside and sure enough I saw a sight that I will never forget. Some other guy had his arms around Y/N. It literally hasn't even been a day since she did that to Soda. I growl but stay silent. I see Y/N nod before walking out the door with the boy. "Have a good night Y/N. It was a pleasure to meet you, I'm just sorry it had to be in such a trouble way. I can't believe a friend would leave you like she did." The boy said. Y/N smiles "Thank you for taking me home see you later." I roll my eyes as the guy leaves. Y/N stares at my car slowly walking closer to it, she opens the door and that's when I get up, rushes over and pushes her inside. I hurry to the driver side and start to drive off. "This is kidnapping Denise!" Y/N yells. I roll my eyes before slapping her cheek "Just shut up I see how you are now. And you call me worthless, oh honey look at yourself." Y/N grabs her cheek "That's abuse." "Yeah its animal abuse. Since your a low life dog!" I said stopping the car. I make sure the doors are locked before facing her. "You keep talking like that, but do you think I wanted to do any of that? I had no choice, it was either that or living in the streets by myself. I just couldn't do that right now. Why can't you see that. Like oh my god!" Y/N tears slipping down her cheeks. In that moment I knew I screwed up "Why didn't you tell me?" Y/N shrugs "it's not always that easy..... Hey Denise be my note passer?" I tilt my head "Huh?"

At my house Y/N calls her parents to tell them she was at a friends that was helping her with the work that was a little hard. She smiles and grabs a sheet of paper writing something down before tapping it shut "Give this to Soda but say that you found it outside his house." I nod slowly "I'm confused but okay. Hope there's a apology in here." "No its a love letter but not with my name." I nod "Ah okay I'll do it tomorrow. I'm sorry for punching you, and slapping you, and everything else." Y/N sighs "Its okay no worries."

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