Chapter 40 Part 2

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I sit at home waiting for Soda to arrive. It was so close to him being home and he had a whole lot of explaining to do.

"Honey I'm home!" Soda calla out from the front door.

"Good afternoon honey." I say leaning on the door frame. "Why don't you come in we have a lot to talk about. How was your day at work?" I seemed so calm on the outside but on the inside I wanted nothing more than to punch him in his perfect little face!

"I mean its work and I was away from you. Other than the fact that I was away from you it was perfect. How was your day love?" Soda says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"My day?" I hmm for a few seconds "Well my day consisted of me throwing my guys out, Denise coming over to help, that lead to Morgan coming over, and that lead to me going to the hospital."

Soda nods "What did they say?"

"Well I found out a little something today..... In fact two things. Are you ready to hear them?"

Soda nods his head giving me the signal to continue.

"Well one I'm pregnant......" I say and before I get to two Soda cuts me off by picking me up.

"Really? Oh my god I can't believe this!" He spins us both around. "I'm gonna......"

This time I cut him off "Cut the crap Soda I didn't get to number. The second thing I found out is my boyfriend had already had sex before. Would you like to explain that to me since Denise and Morgan wouldn't?"

"What are you talking about?" Soda asks putting me down and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Like you don't already know. Morgan ratted you out." I say.

Soda takes in a deep sigh "Look it was a stupid mistake that I made and I couldn't get it out of my head so I told Morgan and Denise. It took a little weight off but like I said it was a stupid mistake and I just want to forget about it okay?"

"Just forget about it?" I ask "how can I just forget about it? How hmmm?"

"Y/N please."

"Soda you would do the same thing if you were in my shoes. Who and when?" I ask loosing what little bit of patience I had left.

"I can't do this right now I'm leaving." Soda says grabbing his shirt and walking to the door.

"So help me God soda! If you walk out that door you're not coming back and I mean that!" I say.

Soda takes a deep breath standing in the open doorway "Looks like I won't be coming back than."

I gasp but stand my ground as my eyes begin to sting.

Soda stops in the yard "And by the way since we're doing this it was with my ex and it was before the wedding after we got into that fight thing. I said it was a stupid mistake but it was your fault you said you couldn't be with me, and she was having second thoughts about getting married. I thought about you and regretted it as soon as it was over." He throws up his hands "I'll walk half way and call Steve to come pick me up."

"Soda..... ..." I stop and shut the door. What was I going to say that could ever make this better.

What I didn't know was that Soda stopped at the door with his hand on the handle "I love you........." He whispered before walking away.

I watch him walk while talking on the phone to I'm guessing Steve. My heart ache to see him go and I wondered if things could have been different..... Until it hit me that "accident at Sandy's wedding was it really an accident?

Soda's POV
I'm killing Denise and Morgan. No lie when I get my hands on them I'm killing them. I take a deep breathe and wait by the side of the road for Steve to come. It didn't take long for Steve to come, but he had to bring along Pony, Denise, and Morgan.

"What the hell happened?" Steve asks. "Hurry up and get in the car."

"I'm not getting in there with those demons." I respond.

"The fuck did I do?" Pony asks.

"Not you Denise and Morgan."

Denise rolls her eyes "And I wouldn't want to be with the devil."

"Like you have a halo!" I say.

"Damn will you two stop acting like a married couple? And will you get in the car?" Steve says leaning over and opening the passenger side door.

I take in a huge breath before letting it all out "Just don't talk to me."
Denise's POV
I bit my tongue has hard as I could until I started to taste blood in my mouth.

"So wanna tell us what happened?" Steve asks Soda.

"Yeah sure, those two in the back, those two can't keep a secret and are supposed to be my friends. What happened to that?"

"You guys told one of Soda's secrets?" Pony asks turning to face me.

"Oh hell nah I know you're not jumping down my fucking throat about this. Its his fault he done the act and now he has to live with that fact." I respond raising my hands.

"I told you it was a stupid mistake I know I shouldn't have done it but I did and I regret it. You guys promised however that y'all wasn't going to say anything!"

"Wait you promised him y'all wouldn't tell and y'all did? That's mess up." Pony said.

"Are you really taking his fucking side? He slept with Sandy before her fucking wedding. Not even two weeks before her wedding. HOLY SHIT! That accident that happened at the wedding what if it wasn't an accident? What if she was trying to kill Y/N and I just came at the wrong moment I mean think about that shit!" I say.

"You're loosing your mind Denise. No one was trying to kill you and don't try to change the subject. You know what you did was wrong."

I lost my shit than "YOU KNOW FUCKING WHAT? WE TOOK OUR CHANCES WITH YOU. THROWING AWAY OUR LIVES AND YOU TWO DO THIS!" I open the car door and Stave slams on brakes "I'm not dealing with this fucking shit I'm done. I'm tired of everything."

"Close the fucking door are you crazy?" Steve halfway yells at me.

"I'll walk the rest of the way!" I say getting out of the car.

"Does this mean we're over?" Pony asks.

"Yes I think so." Morgan tells him following behind me.

"Well little bro we don't need them." Soda says.

Ponyboy places his hand on the window, before rolling it down "DENISE WAIT!"

I never did turn around and I never did look back. I have a best friend I have to look out for now and that's all that matters.

I take out my phone and call Y/N
Phone call:
Y/N- H-hello
Me- Wazzup booboo
Y/N- Hey Denise
Me- What cha doing
Y/N- Regreting every choice I made so far
Me-Me too babe me too
Y/N- What you mean
Me- I broke up with Pony. He was literally taking soda's side. I lost my fucking shit. Anyways me and Morgan will be there soon.
Y/N- Okay I'll go make tea and cookies
Me- No you go lay down before you hurt that baby I'll make it when I get down there.
Y/N- I'm not fucking helpless Denise.

I laugh as she hangs up "Come on Morgan."

"Well if you'll slow down holy crap."

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