Chapter 6

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Soda's POV

Well there goes my night and my first double date with Y/N.

"Hey at least it's makes the mood romantic. Makes me kinda wish i brought a date."Two-bit said. By then I was on the verge to choking him.

"Hey two-bit here's as great idea go get a date and stop free loading on mine."I said.

"Hey no need to be in bad mood. Why don't you go take the girl on a nice drive, and I'll take the kids back to their's homes?"Two-bit said/asked.

"That's a great idea so have a great time."I said. I felt Y/N looking at me so I turned around.

"No need to be rude soda Two-bit is just trying to help."Y/N said.

"Yeah I know thanks two your a life saver I guess."I said. Well now I feel bad.

"Well come on kidoes."Two-bit said.

"We are not kids we are 15 y.........."Ponyboy started to say but was cut off by denise "hush and get in the care would ya."  "Fine" Pony, and denise then leaves with two-bit.

"So where do you want to go?"I asked.

"It doesn't matter to me a long as I'm not out that late, because of cheer."Y/N said.

"I heard that the cheerleader are going to be cheering for the track team."I said.

Two-Bit's POV

No way am I gonna leave this alone.

"So what are we really doing two?" Ponyboy ask.

"Yeah, why are we following Soda and Y/N?"Denise ask.

"I don't trust no soc in my life and I aint gonna start now."I said.

"But I'm a soc, Wait Do youn spy on me?"Dehnise ask.

"No not at all kid your one of us."I said. To be honest I really did when she first started dating Pony.

"Thanks I guess...."Denise said.

"If you trust Denise then why don't you trust Y/N.?"Ponyboy ask.

"Because she is new and it's strange she out out with a grease without getting to know him."I said.

"If you think it's okay."Denise said. "Then I'm down."

"If you get Soda mad at me I swear."Ponyboy said.

"Relax kid he want." I said.

Y/N Pov

"Hey isn't that Two-bit following us?"I ask.

"Sure is."Soda said.

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