Chapter 27

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A/N: BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. School sucks so much!!!!!!! 

"I love you and I want you to know that." Soda tells me helping me out of the car.

I laugh when I see Denise dancing around in a field of wild flowers. I run to join her.

"Come join the fun you guys!" Denise tells the boys.

"Thought you told us we have to be like the movies princess and princes." Soda says.

I laugh as a girl walks up to Soda hugging him tightly "I'm so glad you came!" Said girl said.

I casually walk to Soda lacing her hands together.

"I also see that you brought a date. Greasers clean up well." Said girl says.

I scoff "Not a greaser."

Denise joins us along with everyone else.

"Nice to see you again Sandy." Denise says holding out her hand.

Sandy doesn't take it instead looks at me and Denise and mumbles "Why change who they are? If you wanted socs shouldn't have dated them instead."

Denise glares putting her hand back beside her "Jealous that Soda got a girl that's more beautiful than you?"

I smile slightly bowing "If the shoe fits than wear it." I walk away.

Soda stays back and chats with the girl I know now is Sandy.

Ponyboy and Two-Bit follows us while Steve stayed behind to make sure nothing happens.

"Shall we go in my lady?" Pony holds out his hand for Denise to take. She nods and they leave.

I'm left by myself waiting for Soda to come on. He finally shows up.

"Hey baby I got asked to be the best man. You don't mind sitting with Denise do you?"

I look up shock "No of course not."

"Good go meet them on the first row on the right." Soda says pointing me in the direction.

I nod sighing but does as he says.

The wedding soon starts and is over before we know it.

Sandy smiles to everyone and she throws the flowers behind her head. I caught then with no effort at all. That is until almost all the girls there tackle me to the ground. I stood up fine and Denise went to make sure I was okay.

"Yeah I'm fine." I sat. Denise hugs me and what happens next is something I never thought would happen. The ark falls over on us trapping both me and Denise under it.

"O-ow!" I say coughing my lungs out.

Sodas POV
"Congrats once again Sandy." I say.

She smiles at me "Thanks Soda."

Ponyboy runs to us with a frighten look on his face.

I look at him "Pony its the past we can't change that. I know it still hunts you and always will but it'll be okay...."


My mouth drops "WHAT?"

A/N: DAH DAH DAH I know I'm a bitch don't kill mah

Love you my beautiful butterflies

Social Classs Doesn't Matter (The Outsiders:Sodapop X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ