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It's been ten months since my breakup with Soda. My beautiful/handsome (You get to pick the gender) Y/B/N (Your baby Name) has been born and is now a month old. I decided to stay in my house, in the country, since it was nice and peaceful. Denise made her daily visits when she could, even if it was the middle of the night. Yes that right it's almost midnight when I received a phone call her stating she was on the way. I sit on the living room couch with my legs crossed "Denise if you don't hurry your ass up I'm going back to bed."

"Oh I'm sorry I wanted food. My bad for being a fat ass." Denise says walking through the kitchen. She must have came through the back door.

"Did you just rob my kitchen?" I ask.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Denise says shoving the rest of a beagle in her mouth.

"Yeah, sure you don't." I say rolling my eyes "Anyways Y/B/N is asleep so keep it down."

"Really? I wanted to see my little boogie butt!" Denise says sitting on the arm of the couch.

"Well maybe if someone would have came sooner and not wait until freaking midnight." I get off the couch and goes to lock the doors.

"Okay looks like I'm sleeping here tonight. Anyways the reason why I was late and didn't come sooner is because I had to deal with Soda."

I turn around "That name is not to be mentioned in the house do you understand me? Anyways what did he want?"

"Damn okay than........... Anyways he said how sorry he was and blah blah blah blah and wanted me to tell you he loves you and blah blah blah blah." Denise opens and closed her hand to imitate someone talking "All he's doing is running that mouth of his."

"Ah so how's your relationship with Pony going?"

Denise raises an eyebrow "I know you didn't just ask me that question." She takes a deep sigh "Well I haven't talked to him since we broke up. He doesn't go near me and I don't go near him. My parents and Cherry seem to really like that a lot."

I nod my head "That sucks. This sucks. Everything sucks!"

"Agreed love agreed. Now let's get to bed." Denise pushes me up the stairs and into my bedroom before going into the spare bedroom beside me "Good night Y/N."

Soda's POV
I sit beside Ponyboy in his bed thinking about what Denise and Y/N said. What if that accident at Sandy's wedding wasn't an accident? What if she was trying to hurt Y/N?


I raise my head a little "You need to get some sleep Pony." I stand up and walk out the bedroom door.

Pony gets up and follows me "I'm not getting sleep if you're not."

I roll my eyes "Than come on hardhead." I walk down the stairs and stop at the front door.

Pony puts on his shoes and a jacket "You know Darry  will kill us if he finds out we snuck out right?"

"I really don't care. I'm going to go have a chat with Sandy about that accident."

Pony nods his head running a hand down Denise's hoodie. Its been in the same spot every since she left. In fact she left all her stuff down here.

I place a hand in my pocket grabbing Y/N's promise ring I had given her. She throw it at me, or should I say in my face since that's what it hit.

I get in Two-Bit's motioning for Pony to get in.

"All the guys are going to kill us. Maybe this is crazy Soda."

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