Chapter 24

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Your POV

"So help me God if this guy hits on me one more time I'm calling the guys!" I say loud enough that the waiter could hear us.

He turns around "Hitting on you? I haven't even placed a hand on you!" He turns and leaves.

I scoff and place a nakin in my lap to try to dry up some of the drunk he spilled on me. "Boys are idiots!"

"Not all boys." Denise says.

"Yes all boys are immature!"

"Our boyfriends are not."

"They are not boys they are young men! They respect women!"

"Eh true let's just hurry up and get out of here." Denis says.

I nod in agreement with her still feeling like someone was staring at me and of corse half of the people was.

We eat while making small talk about the wedding, the guys, and who's boyfriend was better.

We soon finish and leave the place in a hurry sitting off for our main goal getting our hair done. Denise said she was going to do mine and Mrs. Jewel will do her's.

"Denise I trust you just don't fuck up my hair!"

Denise laughs "Will you chill! I do hair! I actually did my own hair into the fabulous short cut you see on my head now. I also dye hair.........."

"Oh no! That's where I draw the line! You are not coming near me with freaking hair dye! So help me Denise you even try, and I will run out yelling bloody murder!" I say.

"Chill it's going to be semi-permanent hair dye and its not going to be the whole head. I was thinking about giving you highlights."

"What color?"

"Any color you want. If you want pink I'll do pink. If you want blue I'll do blue. If you want......."

"Okay Denise I think I get it." I say laughing "I wonder what Soda will think......."

"Oh hell nah bitch he ain't seeing you until tomorrow at the wedding. You're meeting me at my house and we're doing our makeup and styling our hair before the wedding!"

"If we're styling hair tomorrow why are you doing it also today?"

Denise sighs "I'm cutting it and dying it now."

"You didn't say anything about cutting!"

"Chill I'm thinning it out that way it'll be easy to handle tomorrow when I actually do it."

I nod as we pull into the parking lot. Denise gets out and waits for me.

"Let's get going shall we my lady?"

"We shall my gentle knight!" I say laughing going inside.

Denise stands there looking at me "Well excuse me my lady but you left the gentle faithful knight out in the cold!"

I roll my eyes going back outside and pull Denise in with me this time.

"Owww that's my skin."

"Grow up you big baby you'll be fine."

"Okay grow up you big baby and take a seat!" Denise says pushing me down into the seat that was beside us.

"Jewel I have a special request!"

"What is it sweetheart?" A girl with blue hair steps out from the black. Her hair was style was grease and the color popped under the light.

"Meet my friend Y/N I'm doing her hair and than you're doing mine anyway you want to. Keep in mind though I'm going to a wedding tomorrow." Denise says grabbing scissors, a water bottle, and hair dye.

"Girl have you not seen your hair? Its so short what do you expect me to do with it?"

"Heck if I know you're smart you'll figure out something."

"All you socs are the same."

"Aren't you a soc though?" I ask.

"Oh honey hell no! This store was given to me by the soc that owned it. She passed away not long ago."

I nod my hair as Denise does what ever to my hair. I was soon sitting at the drying station while Denise got her hair done.

"Hey Denise I've been meaning to ask you. Why did you cut your hair?"

Denise sighs "I did it for a protest. Everyone told me I couldn't do it so boom I did. I also dye it crazy colors which drives my family wild."

I nod "Ah okay I was just wondering."

"Ready to go little Miss. Curtis?"

"So y'all both dating the Curtis bothers?"

"You already know I was with Pony, but yeah Y/N is with Soda."

"Hmmm..... Tell Darry J says hi." Jewel said.

"Will do J!" Denise says removing me from the dryer and leaving.

"You did a prom?"



"Because I'm putting it in a bob tomorrow with some bangs hanging down. At least you have Y/F/C (Your favorite color) highlights."

"You and your purple, and red hair need to hush."

"Let's go home." Denise says.

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