Chapter 21

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"I found the freaking picture you ex sent with the saying I can't wait to see you!"

"Drama! Look its not what you think it is." Denise tells me.

"You shut your trap." I tell Denise turning my attention to Soda "If its not what I think than what the hell is it?"

"Sandy invited me to her wedding."

"If that's the case why does this only say.. ...."

Soda cuts me off pulling a letter from his back pocket "This is the full letter inviting me and five guest to her wedding. She taped the picture to it saying can we go back to being friends like we used to be? Damn I didn't know you would get so jealous. I asked Denise to help me get you a gift so we went out and got both of our outfits for the wedding."

Denise walks to her car and grabs four bags out "See."

I slap myself mentally "Soda I'm so......."

"So what?"



"Yeah that's the word." I rub the back of my neck before slapping Soda lightly.

"What the heck was that?"

"For getting me gifts. You know you shouldn't have." I say.

"Yeah but Denise he....." He goes to say but Denise hits him in the side. "Denise knew some people." He said through his teeth.

"My aunt runs Queens Closet where we got the dress from. We're also getting your hair done I'm taking you to Jewels there I will cut and style it myself." Denise says.

"You have a aunt that runs Queen Closet?" Steve's asks Denise.

"Eh she's not my blood aunt or married aunt. Shoot she's not even related to me at all, but she said I look like her niece who moved. Said something about me acting just like her." Denise says shrugging "I don't mind it though she's a sweet little lady that always keeps secrets."

"So anyways when the wedding?"

"In two weeks." Soda says looking at the invitation "And. This was sent like yesterday?"

"Well....." Two-bit coughs "It been sent a week ago..... I've just forgotten about it."

"So we have only 5 days now to get ready for a wedding?" Soda looks at Two-bit "You're not getting our mail anymore.

"Speaking of mail" he goes inside the house "Ponyboy this is yours."

Pony opens the envelope "My report card? We got these three weeks ago!"

Two-bit shrugs laughing "You'll be fine at least you made good grades."

"You read our mail?" Soda asks.

I laugh "Come on guys I should be getting home soon."

"I'll drive you home." Soda tells me.

"Who's going to drive you back?" I ask.

Denise holds up her car keys "ME! I'm following behind you guys we're stopping a little bit later down the road but I'm still following you to your driveway to explain the story to your mom in person and not a text."

I nod my head handing Soda my car keys "In that case. Let's go!"

"Ponyboy get in the car!" Denise says.


"I'm not riding alone get in the car."

We set sail for my house "Hey Soda you might want to keep the outfits before my mom gets noisy."

"I was thinking about it anyways. Its You,Ponyboy,Denise,Two-bit and Steve I was thinking about asking to come with. I haven't told them yet though. Denise knows but she doesn't know that she's coming."

"What about Darry?"

"He probably have to work besides Darry at a wedding?"

I nod my head in understanding "You might want to tell the rest soon so they can get outfits before the wedding."

"I'll tell them when I get back home."

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